- near end crosstalk loss 近端串音损耗
- The system can be used to test some important specifications of twisted - pair cable, such as the attenuation , the near end crosstalk and the cable length , and also be used to detect and locate the faults along the cable. 本系统能测试双绞线的衰减,近端串扰、线缆长度等重要参数,并能对双绞线进行故障定位和诊断。
- reflected near end crosstalk 近端反射串音
- near end crosstalk attenuation 近端串音衰减
- near end crosstalk 近端串话
- This is far end crosstalk adjusted for attenuation. 远端串音值与衰减值之相互关系。
- The ofid form is used to administer the near end office data. ofid 表用于管理近端局数据。
- I'm pleased to say the course is nearing end. 我很高兴地告诉大家,这门课已接近尾声了。
- Nerve conduction velocities of MCV of median nerve,near end SCV and near end SCV of ulnar decreased significantly. 神经传导速度表现为正中神经MCV、近端SCV,尺神经近端SCV明显降低。
- ACR - Attenuation to Crosstalk loss Ratio 衰减与串音衰减比
- Power sum near-end crosstalk loss 功率和近端串扰损耗
- At the near end of the quay, First of May was lashed to the pier, her rocket silos open as she underwent a minor refit. 码头近端,墩柱旁泊着"五、一"号,它的导弹发射仓口全部敞开,在接受一次小规模整修。
- Conclusion: In Russ men, the circumferences of the upper and lower limbs, either in the far or near end, were shapely. 结论:俄罗斯族男性上、下肢近端部与远端部围度发育较匀称。
- Attenuation to Crosstalk Loss Ratio 电波衰减到交调失真(串音)的程度
- Primary Season Near End, Perot Man to Watch, and New Poll Shows Perot Leading Bush and Clinton. “新的民意调查显示,佩罗领先于布什和克林顿”。
- The blood flow increases with the increment of the compression degree when heart rate and the blood pressure range at the near end are invariable. 心率和近段血压范围不变时,流量随着收缩程度的增加而增加。
- ELFEXT Equal Level Far End Crosstalk 等电平远端串音
- side to phantom far end crosstalk 实线电路和幻象电路音的远端串话
- Five past extinctions: Some event near end of the Ordovician period, 440m years ago, wiped out almost all corals and fish, and 25 % of all families of creatures. 历史上曾发生过的5次物种大灭绝:4.4亿年前奥陶纪将要结束时的一些事件使几乎所有的珊瑚和鱼类以及25%25的物种灭绝;
- They are the more insolent, and it is the nearer ended. 他们越放肆,结局就越近。