- After the needle is inserted to a given depth and the needling sensation appears, the reinforcing is obtained by lifting the needle gently and slowly, while thrusting the needle heavily and rapidly. 行补法时,进针要慢,逐步进针达到一定的深度,出针要快,迅速提至皮下,稍停片刻出针;
- The relation between needling sensation response and acupuncture effects is explored from the view point of neurophysiology. 从神经生理学角度探讨得气与针刺效应的关系。
- Treating spirit and holding qi include “full attention” and “holding needling sensation” between the doctors and the patients. 治神守气包括施术者与患者的守神与守气。
- Through analysis on different points of view in acupuncture manipulation methods,needling sensation and acupoint selection in clinical study the author holds that relative factors in... 结论通过对临床研究中针刺手法、针感、针刺取穴方面不同观点的分析,认为影响针刺治疗冠心病疗效的相关因素有待研究和统一。
- She was given a needle for whooping cough. 她因患百日咳打了一针。
- The outrageous book created a sensation. 那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。
- The speedometer needle touched100. 速度计的指针转到一百哩。
- He had a sensation of dizziness. 他有一种晕眩的感觉。
- The new discovery caused a great sensation. 这项新发现很轰动。
- She tried to needle me into losing my temper. 她想方设法惹我发脾气。
- Needling sensation propagating along the channel 循经感传
- She passed a thread through the eye of her needle. 她将线穿过她的针眼。
- Skeletons give a sensation of fear. 骷髅给人以恐惧之感。
- She threaded the needle for her grandmother. 她为祖母穿针。
- The scandal about the mayor caused a sensation. 有关市长的丑闻引起了轰动。
- A compass needle points (to the) north. 罗盘的指针永远指向北方。
- A dead body is without sensation. 死人是没有感觉的。
- The vet jabbed (at) the dog with a needle. 兽医给狗扎针。
- His arrival produced a sensation. 他的抵达引起了轰动。
- She pricked herself on a needle. 她被针扎了一下。