- Of course, the critical factor is Governments housing policy. We all know that todays negative asset problem is a result of Governments uncertain housing policy. 当然,最重要的因素是政府的房屋政策,而今天产生的负资产问题的根源,便是政府的房屋政策摇摆不定,关于这一点,刚才我们的党魁已提及。
- As you all know, the cause of todays negative assets is the uncertainty of Governments housing policy. 相信很多人都心里有数,负资产问题的根源,在于政府的房屋政策摇摆不定。
- One academic proposed that negative assets owners be given mortgage interest tax free to relieve their burden. 一学者建议给予负资产业主按揭利息供款免税,以减轻他们的负担。
- During the motion debate on Negative Assets last month, I mentioned the seriousness negative assets might bring to Hong Kongs economy. 在上月的负资产议案内,我已提到负资产问题的严重性,足以拖累香港整体经济发展。
- This in China are concerned, some people have actually become negative assets, the consumption of overdrafts, heavily indebted. 这个在中国来讲,实际上有的人已成为负资产了,提前透支消费,负债累累。
- The property price shock has been quite a severe one, resulting in many having to sit on negative assets and therefore shying away, to an unusual degree, from trading up. 物业价格大幅下挫,令大批业主变成负资产一族,因此都不想细屋换大屋。
- A survey has found that people with negative assets are at a greater risk of suffering from mood disorders. Sufferers display symptoms of persistent insomnia, fidgets and depression. 一项调查发现,负资产人士有情绪病的危险较大,患者持续出现失眠,烦燥和情绪低落的徵状。
- To reverse the downturn in retailing and speed up economy recovery, Government should help the middle-income group who are suffering from negative assets to resolve their difficulties. 因此,要刺激现时低迷的零售业和加快经济复苏,政府应设法帮助中产阶级,尤其是负资产一族尽快脱困。
- Her only asset is a gentle nature. 她唯一的长处就是性格温柔。
- His chief asset is his winning smile. 他的主要资本是那迷人的微笑。
- Her one priceless asset is her unflappability. 她有一点是非常难能可贵的,就是她遇事冷静。
- The tennis player's speed is his great asset. 那个网球运动员动作迅速,这是他的一大优势。
- The answer to my request was in the negative. 对我的请求的答复是否定的。
- His answer to my request was a negative. 我的请求遭到了他的拒绝。
- The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎检查结果是阴性。
- Their criticism was not negative. 他们的批评并不是负面的。
- Do a blow-up of this corner of the negative. (对某事的)详尽的报道。
- all middle class negative asset?.....and again.....should add tax to which group to cut the govt deficit 反对净系向一班已经负资产既中产加税系错?
- Intelligence was her main asset. 智力是她的主要财富。
- I have a negative opinion on the value of this idea. 我对这个主意持反对意见。