- neonatal blood screening 初生婴儿血液检验
- Kumar Y,Qunibi M,Neal T J,et al. Time to positivity of neonatal blood cultures[J]. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed,2001Nov,85(3) : F182-186. 陆中权;张信良;林忠东;等.;早期诊断极低出生体重儿细菌性感染的实验室指标评价[J]
- Swimming can hasten the first defecation,reduce neonatal blood billirubin rapidly and abate the incidence and severity of hyperbilirubinemia. 通过游泳可以促进胎粪的排出,促进胎粪转黄,较快地降低新生儿血胆红素,减少高胆红素血症的发生与发生的程度和时间。
- Conclusion:Swimming can hasten the first defecation,reduce neonatal blood billirubin rapidly and abate the incidence and severity of hyperbilirubinemia. 结论:通过游泳可以促进胎粪的排出,促进胎粪转黄,较快地降低新生儿血胆红素,减少高胆红素血症的发生与发生的程度和时间。
- Objective To study the relationship between blood screening unqualified in unpaid blood donator and hepatitis virus infecting in Xi an city. 目的探讨西安市无偿献血人群中血液检测不合格数与肝炎病毒感染的关系。
- The system of AIDS voluntary testing shall be implemented. The person who volunteers to take the HIV-infection test shall be offered free counseling service and initial blood screening test. 第十三条 实行艾滋病自愿检测制度。对自愿进行艾滋病病毒感染检测的人员实行免费咨询与血液初筛检测。
- Evaluating ELISA reagent in HIV blood screening HIV血液筛选试剂的评价
- Objective: To investigate the relationship between the disease prognosis and the neonates blood glucose(Glu). 目的:分析新生儿血糖异常与疾病预后的关系。
- External quality control evaluation of neonatal blood TSH level 新生儿全血TSH水平测定外部质量控制分析
- Strategy of Cost Minimum for Blood Screening Reagent 血液筛检试剂成本最小化策略
- HBV DNA assay using PCR-microfluidic chips for blood screening 在血液筛查中的初步应用
- Key points in blood screening tests for infectious diseases 血液感染性疾病标志物筛检中应重视的若干问题
- A Study on the Mode of Donor Blood Screening and its Efficiencey 采供血机构血液筛查模式及其效能探讨
- She was sick at the sight of the blood. 她一见到血就感到恶心。
- Nucleic Acid Testing and Its Application in Blood Screening 核酸检测技术及其在血液筛检中的应用
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。
- A haemophiliac's blood will not clot properly. 血友病患者的血液凝固不良。
- Douglas put away Collins in cold blood. 道格拉斯蓄意杀死了柯林斯。
- Blood was trickling out of a cut near his ear. 血从他耳边的伤口往外滴。
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在气头上的人争论。