- Early diagnosis and timely treatment of mild abruptio placenta may decrease fetal and neonatal mortality and diminish maternal complications. 早期诊断无痛性轻型胎盘早剥并及时处理可降低胎婴儿的死亡率和母亲的合并症。
- The duration labor was longer than 16 hours, the neonatal mortality and stillbirth were significantly increased. 如产程超过16h,新生儿死亡、死产发生率就明显增高。
- Very low birth weights (VLBW) remain the major frictor contributing to neonatal mortality and morbidity. 摘要极低体重婴儿仍然为新生儿死亡及罹病的主要因素。
- Objective: To analyze the causes of neonatal death and propose protective measures,to reduce neonatal mortality. 目的:分析新生儿死亡原因,提出预防措施,降低新生儿死亡率。
- In this region, as elsewhere, the goals calling for reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality present a major challenge. 在该区域,与在其它地方一样,要求降低孕产妇和新生儿死亡率的目标是一项主要挑战。
- Harni Koesno, chair of the Indonesia Midwife Association agrees early detection of illness in newborn babies would effectively reduce the neonatal mortality level. 印度尼西亚助产士协会的主席HarniKoesno同意,早期发现新生儿疾病将会有效降低新生儿死亡率。
- Management with immediate deliery leads to high neonatal mortality and morbidity rates and prolonged hospitalization in the neonatal intensie care unit because of prematurity. 急诊分娩会带来高新生儿死亡率和患病率,并且因早产会延长胎儿在重症监护病房的住院时间。
- In order to discuss and analyze the rescue method which the newborn suffocates palely,reduce the neonatal mortality rate. 为探讨分析新生儿苍白窒息的抢救方法,降低新生儿死亡率。
- Discussing the study's limitations, the researchers said that because of its observational design, factors other than NICU quality may explain neonatal mortality. 关于此研究的局限性,研究者们说,由于观察设计,除了NICU的质量以外的因素用来说明新生儿死亡率。
- Of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), neonatal mortality rate, there were significant differences among the different groups of gestational age (P<0.01). 在新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)及新生儿病死率有显著性差异(P<0.;01)。
- Among these newborns, 363 (28.49%) had very low born weight (VLBW), 13 (1.02%) had congenital malformations, and neonatal mortality occurred in 15 cases (1.18%). 获新生儿1274个;其中低体质量儿363例(28.;49%25);新生儿畸形13例(1
- Management with immediate delivery leads to high neonatal mortality and morbidity rates and prolonged hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit because of prematurity. 发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。
- infant mortality rate; neonatal mortality rate 新生儿死亡率
- Conclusion: To reduce neonate mortality,competent three grade nets of institutes for high risk pregnancy and... 改善新生儿的监护环境,以减少新生儿感染性疾病的发生,从而降低新生儿病死率。
- Murder and blasphemy are mortal sins. 谋杀和亵渎神明的言词都是不可饶恕的大罪。
- The mortality from lung cancer is increasing. 肺癌死亡人数在增多。
- The mortality wrought by an epidemic. 由一传染病引起的大批死亡
- She lives in mortal terror of her husband's anger. 她极度害怕她丈夫发脾气。
- All things that live are mortal. 所有生物都会死的。
- No mortal could have survived the fire. 没有人经历这场火灾而能生还。