- El espanol y el ingles se mezclan en mi cerebro. 西班牙语和英语搅和的一团乱。
- Non temere credre,est nervus sapientae. : 智慧之要领在于不要轻信。
- The woman ( )is so nervus that she can't express herself clearly. 参考答案: 空里要填一个定语从句,修饰The woman 。
- The main innervation of the three YIN meridians of foot is nervus saphenus. 足三阴经均有隐神经分布。
- Wait a minute.How would Stryker even know where to find Cerebro in the first place? |等一下 史崔克又怎么会知道脑波机的?
- What I was looking for was an immediately ' This pedalis badass! ' vibe. I'm very happy to say it delivered.. 我对这块效果器的期待是“这款效果器就是我想要的暴戾的发生器”事实上我很高兴它确实给了我那样的感觉。
- The nervus auricul- aris posterior mainly conducted to the cells of the facial necleus in the intern- al area. 耳后神经主要传导至面神经核的内侧细胞群。
- Preseving intermedius nervus are as protect same inportment as facial nere motor branches during the operation. 保护中间神经同保护面神经运动支一样重要。
- Objective To explore microanatomical shape on intermidius nervus and its relations to adjacent tissure and structures. 目的探讨中间神经的显微解剖形态与毗邻组织结构的关系。
- The nervus cutaneus colli mainly conducted to the cells of facial nucleus in the middle area. 颈皮神经主要传导至面神经核的中间细胞群;
- The results showed there are not correlation between the local blood flow and th e nervus function. 结果显示两者并不存在线性关系。
- Neuropeptides study was one of the most pop contents in nervus science subject especially in advanced organism likehuman being. 神经肽是当前生命科学领域研究的热点内容之一,尤其是在高等生物中。
- It is obvious that the nervus function deal with many factors, the increase of the local blood supply dont improve the nervus function status. 可见脊髓血流量的改善不能反映神经功能状态,其中涉及多方面因素。
- This year the weak economy has addmition(ADMISSION) officers nervus(NERVOUS) that some families may not be able to pay for college as planed(PLANNED). 今年,经济萧条使负责招生的官员担心很多家庭也许无法如计划那样支付起大学费用。
- Results Intemedius nervus were divided into three phasses such as cerebropontine angle, intemal acoustic meathus and falllpins aduct. 结合听神经鞘瘤三种手术入路,在手术显微镜下,观测不同部位的中间神经。
- Abstract: Objective To explore microanatomical shape on intermidius nervus and its relations to adjacent tissure and structures. 文摘:目的探讨中间神经的显微解剖形态与毗邻组织结构的关系。
- Researches have showed that SLC6A14 gene have influence or control on appetite by restrain nervus centralis of appetite. 研究表明,SLC6A14基因通过对饱感中枢神经的抑制,具有潜在影响和控制食欲的作用,从而影响生长发育和脂肪沉积。
- It is right and us eful to insomnia, nervus prostration, cancellation of tiredness and instanration of physical strength. 对失眠,神经衰弱,消除疲劳恢复体力具有良好的作用。
- This is because the sugar metabolic block causes the nervus autonomici function disorder, makes the sweat gland secretion to increase the result. 这是由于糖代谢障碍导致植物神经功能紊乱,使汗腺分泌增加所致。
- The nervus opticuses and optic canales of 29 patients to be diagnosed as traumatic optic neuropathy by clinical means were scaned using 2 mm axial scans with 2 spacing. 方法 :CT扫描时采用层厚 2 mm,层间距 2 m m,对临床诊断为外伤性视神经损伤的 2 9例病人进行视神经和视神经管扫描。