- nested critical section 嵌套临界区
- Method is called by a thread in a critical section. 方法由临界区中的线程调用。
- This action also marks the beginning of a critical section. 此操作同样会标记临界区的开头。
- Methods to mark the beginning and end of a critical section. 方法标记临界区的开头和结尾。
- This function initializes a critical section object. 此函数初始化一个临界区对象。
- The Lock Verifier checks for errors in the file critical section usage. 锁验证程序检查在文件关键节的使用当中是否有错误。
- A statement block protected by an exclusive lock is sometimes called a critical section. 有时将受独占锁保护的语句块称为“临界区”。
- Ensures that one thread does not enter a critical section of code while another thread is in the critical section. 确保当一个线程位于代码的临界区时,另一个线程不进入临界区。
- This action also marks the end of a critical section protected by the locked object. 此操作还标记受锁定对象保护的临界区的结尾。
- The code between the lock and unlock calls to the mutex, is referred to as the critical section. 在打开和关闭互斥调用之间的代码称为临界域。
- A critical section object protects a section of code from being accessed by more than one thread. 临界区对象使得某一时刻只能有一个线程能访问这段临界代码。
- No other thread can enter the critical section unless it is executing the instructions in the critical section using a different locked object. 其他任何线程都不能进入临界区,除非它使用其他锁定对象执行临界区中的指令。
- Notification involves obtaining a lock to the critical section, iterating through the map, and notifying the subscribers. 事件通知首先会获取一个临界区锁,然后遍历关注者映射,对所有的关注者发送事件通知消息。
- The swallows nested under the eaves. 燕子在屋檐下筑巢。
- The mutual exclusion problem (mutex) means how to solve the clash problem that one processes request to enter a critical section at the same time. 互斥算法是用来解决共享资源访问冲突问题,阐述了分布式系统中进程的互斥问题。
- The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs. 这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。
- These methods do not take any locks; they inform the CLR that code is executing in a critical section and aborting the thread could leave shared state inconsistent. 这些方法不使用任何锁;它们通知CLR代码正在临界区中执行,中止线程可能会使共享状态不一致。
- Keyword marks a statement block as a critical section by obtaining the mutual-exclusion lock for a given object, executing a statement, and then releasing the lock. 关键字将语句块标记为临界区,方法是获取给定对象的互斥锁,执行语句,然后释放该锁。
- The following code example shows the prototype for the critical section functions. Notice that they all require a pointer to the CRITICAL_SECTION structure. 下面的代码实例展示了临界区函数的原型。注意到它们都需要一个指向CRITICAL_SECTION结构体的指针。
- It proved that everything was a mare's nest. 结果证明一切都是场骗局。