- By one estimate America enjoyed a net capital gain of around $1 trillion from the gradual depreciation of the dollar in the years before the crisis. 据一项估计表明,在此轮危机之前,美国从美元的逐渐贬值中获得了1万亿美金左右的资本净利得。
- net capital gain [经] 资本净收益, 净资本利得
- In addition, they had a net capital inflow of $114bn. 除此之外,向亚洲国家的资本净流入为1140亿美元。
- In real terms, the drop in net capital flows was even large. 按实际价值计,净资本流入量下降更大。
- Much of this capital gain never crystallised, it was not converted into cash. 这些资本收益的大部分从未露过真身,因为它们可不能被转成现金。
- No capital gains tax, no VAT or sales tax. 没有资本增值税、增值税或销售税。
- Males exceeding 12" must file under capital gains. 译文:男性超过12",必须在申请资本项目下的收益。
- No wealth, capital gains or estate taxes. 没有财富,资本收益或地产税。
- Olympia Snowe As capital gains Charles E. 应该如何对“对冲基金”经理的业绩酬金征税?
- He is exempted from capital gains tax. 他被免除了资本收益税。
- For the investors who had bought the bond,the capital gain would have been quite significant. 那些在价低时买进的投资者,可赚了相当可观的利润。
- One of these is in the TIC data, which have shown net capital outflows in five of the past six months. 其中之一是TIC数据显示,在过去六个月中有五个月美国出现了资本净流出。
- What would my estimated capital gain tax liability be if I sold certain investments? 卖出某些资产后估计的资本收益税额是多少?
- Tai Hing Temple of flesh Shanghai justify a Lee, Zhang Jing Xian Oxfam 1 million yuan net capital built. 大兴肉身殿系上海居士李正有、章景贤乐施净资1万余元所建。
- Quotes warming, capital gain, speculative at Wuhan Iron and Steel shares again on the full deduction. 行情转暖,资本的逐利、投机性再度在武钢股份上得到充分演绎。
- Given that the balance of payments must be in balance, the answer, of course, is that there has been net capital outflow. 鉴于国际收支帐目必须平衡,答案当然是本港有净资金流出。
- These persons prefer to take the risk of obtaining a "capital gain," or rise in value of the stock, rather than be assured a steady dividend. 这些人宁愿为获得“资本收益”或股票的升值而担风险,而不愿意接受稳定的分红。
- Long-term dependence on net capital inflow is unrealistic, just as it is unrealistic to sustain significant current account deficits indefinitely. 长期倚赖净流入资金,就像要长久维持大的经常帐赤字一样不切实际。
- He is also not allowed to withdraw any capital gain from his investment if its market value rises above the requisite level. 同时,若投资项目的价值高于原来的最低限额,投资者亦不可提取资本增益。
- The difference in the supervision of the capital adequacy is mainly the method of net capital the category of venture capital and discount. 各国在资本充足性监管方面的差异主要体现在净资本计算方法和风险资产的分类和折扣比例上。