- Negative number show net export. 注:负数表示净出口。
- Net Exports The value of total exports minus the value of total imports. 净出口值相等于总出口值减总进口值。
- Do Sunk Costs Of Exporting Matter for Net Export Dynamics? 出口沉没成本是否对净出口动态有影响?
- Net exports of goods and services, consisting of the amount of exports minus the amount of imports. 商品和劳务的净出口:指减除进口量的出口量。
- The country is a net exporter of food. 该国是食物净出口国。
- The curves of investment, the government expenditure functions, and net exports function are horizontal lines. 投资函数、政府支出函数和净出口支出函数的曲线是水平线。
- GDP (Y) is the sum of the following: consumption (C), investment (I), government purchases (G), and net exports (NX). 是下列项目的加总:消费(C)、投资(I)、政府购买(G)和净出口(NX)。
- It also explains the contribution of both final goods and equipment to the volatility of net exports. 资讯科技也解释最后的货物和仪器的贡献给净余输出品的挥发性。
- Investment and net exports generated close to three-quarters of China's incremental demand in recent years. 近年来,投资和净出口占中国需求增量的近四分之三。
- A revaluation could also help the government succeed in shifting the balance of growth away from investment and net exports towards consumption. 升值还可以帮助政府成功调整增长的平衡,远离投资和净出口,而接近消费。
- Net exports (NX) are the value of a nation's exports minus the value of its imports. Net exports are also called the trade balance. 净出口等于一国的出口减去进口。净出口也被称作贸易余额。
- In GDP lingo, those other sectors are government-consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment (business plus housing) and net exports. 以GDP行话来讲,其它层面包括政府消费开支、国内私人投资总额(商业加房地产)以及净出口。
- Most of the slowdown in regional economic growth so far stems not from a fall in net exports but from weaker domestic demand. 至今为止,东亚区域经济增长减缓大部分是由于国内需求不足造成的,而非净出口额下降导致。
- The country is now a net exporter of fuel(= it exports more than it imports). 目前这个国家是燃料纯输出国。
- The data shows that unexpected weakness in net exports and government spending added to the anticipated severe drag on growth from housing construction during the first quarter. 这些数据表明,在第一个季度里,净出口料想不到的脆弱和政府消费增加了预期的服务从房产建筑方面拉动了增长率。
- Andy Rothman, of CLSA in Shanghai, said the fall in net exports “will be balanced by the continued health of the primary economic drivers, domestic investment and consumption”. 2004年到2007年期间,中国的贸易顺差增长了8倍,但目前尽管处于高位,但已经见顶。原因是美国和欧洲等主要市场的需求日趋疲软,及中国的成本不断上升。
- The snag is that even if net exports were no longer contributing to China's growth, its trade surpluses with America and Europe would continue to loom embarrassingly large. 而现在的麻烦是即使中国不再靠净出口拉动增长,中国与美国及欧洲之间的贸易顺差依然大的令人发憷。
- So you can expect Chinese export growth to Europe, Canada, Japan, etc., will sharply decelerate in the next few quarters, adding to the fall in Chinese net exports. 所以你可以预见,在接下来的几个季度中,中国净出口的下降中,有对欧洲、加拿大、日本等国出口剧减的身影。
- The poorest countries are often, perversely, net exporters of capital. 所以十分不幸的是,最贫穷的国家往往也是资本的净出口国。
- At the time, says Mr Clarke, Britain was “a net exporter of terrorism”. 克拉克先生说,那时候英国是“恐怖主义的净出口国”。