- net output at terminal 出线端净出力
- useful output at terminal 发电机出线端净出力
- Between 1988 and 1998,the net output or value-added of the services sector grew strongly,by an annual average of 12 per cent in value terms. 一九八八至一九九八年间,服务业的生产净额或增值组成部分快速上升,以价值计算,每年平均上升12%25。
- Where reducing the noise output at the source is impractical or insufficient, noise may be absorbed or confined. 如果在噪音源处减少噪音量行不通或不够要求,可以采用吸收或限制噪音的办法。
- Between 1988 and 1998, the net output or value-added of the services sector grew strongly, by an annual average of 12 per cent in value terms. 一九八八至一九九八年间,服务业的生产净额或增值组成部分快速上升,以价值计算,每年平均上升12%25。
- Abstract: Hemodialysis is a main substitutive therapy for nephrosis patients at terminal stage. 摘要:血液透析是终末期肾病患者的主要替代疗法。
- Objective To understand the knowledge, attitude and requirement related to hospice care for people at terminal stage. 目的了解广州市民对临终关怀服务的认知、态度和需求。
- Using a logger hierarchy it is possible to control which log statements are output at arbitrarily fine granularity but also great ease. 使用一个日志层次对象,它有可能控制日志声明的输出在任意的好的粒度,而且这样做是很容易的。
- Heavy-duty copper stator windings give higher output at low RPM's with cooler operation. 低速下大功率输出且较低温升的重型定子。
- Using BBO crystal to double the frequency, the blue green laser output at 450.8 nm is gained. 经BBO晶体倍频获得了 45 0 8nm的蓝绿激光输出。
- Amongst the major constituent sectors, financing, insurance, real estate and business services, and community, social and personal services had the fastest growth in net output (both by an annual average of 14 per cent in value terms). 在各主要行业中,金融、保险、地产及商用服务业,以及社区、社会及个人服务业的生产净额增长最快(以价值计算,这两大行业每年平均增加14%25);
- Excessive pig iron is usually charged in converter in order to increase steel output at middle and small steel plants. 摘要中小转炉钢厂为了增加钢产量,往转炉内过量加入生铁块。
- Based on the analysis of theory,the ultraviolet output at 266nm is achieved by using KTP/BBO crystal. 结合理论分析采用了KTP/BBO晶体实现腔外1064nm四倍频产生266nm紫外激光。
- Amongst the major constituent sectors,financing,insurance,real estate and business services,and community,social and personal services had the fastest growth in net output (both by an annual average of 14 per cent in value terms). 在各主要行业中,金融、保险、地产及商用服务业,以及社区、社会及个人服务业的生产净额增长最快(以价值计算,这两大行业每年平均增加14%25);
- To use an asset to produce outputs at a higher rate of throughput. 势以高效率制造过程生产产品。
- The Systematic agronomic measures for net OUtpUt value over 3000 per hectare are:N 70.5kg/ha (The ratio of the 3 factors is the same as above), seedling age 27.8 days, N top application 42% of the total. 净产值3000/ha以上的综合农艺措施是施纯氮70.;5 kg/ha(三要素比例同上);苗龄27
- Compared with conventional medium of cotton seed shell for mushroom and neat for vegetable, not only the yield is high by using reed residue medium, cost is low and net output is high,... 与常规的棉籽壳培养平菇及草岩混合基质栽培蔬菜相比,不但产量提高,成本降低,净产值增加,而且生态环境效益显著。
- Supply Current: The current required from the power supply to operate the amplifier with no load and the output at zero. 供电电流,在不加负载和输出为零的条件下,电源流入运放的电流。
- In contrast, printer fonts for the popular Apple LaserWriter were based on PostScript Type 1 outlines, resulting in excellent output at any size. 与之相对的,打印机的字体,如著名的Apple LaserWriter是基于PostScript Type 1轮廓,可以出色地输出任何大小的文字。