- neuroepithelioma olfactory 嗅神经上皮瘤
- Repellency is not confined to the olfactory senses. 防护性不只限于嗅觉感官。
- It arouses their olfactory sense. 这唤起了他们的嗅觉。
- Exposure may produce olfactory fatigue or habituation. 接触可以引起嗅觉疲劳或成瘾。
- The shape of the olfactory sac of the eel is cuneiform. 结果表明:中华须鳗嗅囊呈楔型;
- They were examined by MS,IRand olfactory assessments. 测定其MS、IR与香气特征。
- He is to develop a sensor to substitute for the olfactory abilities of dogs. 克罗克将研制一种传感器用以代替狗的嗅觉功能。
- This also produced a similar, but smaller reaction in the olfactory neurons. 他们还发现:逐渐降低无气味溶液喷入的压力,嗅觉神经元的反应随之减弱。
- By the sensation that chemical gas stimulates olfactory receptor and causes. 由化学气体刺激嗅觉感受器而引起的感觉。
- Perhaps, in a world of olfactory fakery, this is one tip for the wise. 因此在嗅觉的骗局中,有一个小窍门。
- The team estimates that the kakapo has 667 functional olfactory receptor genes. 研究小组估计新西兰鹦鹉有667个起作用的嗅觉感受器基因。
- Breeze sent Gardenia fragrance, nasal olfactory hi-excited feelings. 清风送栀子香,鼻嗅激喜情。
- Often eat dense olfactory food, coating on the tongue is met thickening. 经常吃浓重味道的食物,舌苔就会变厚。
- The genes for the receptors of olfactory cells might also be read in a similar way. 嗅觉细胞上的受体基因,可能也是以类似的方式读取。
- The appetizing stir is the olfactory equivalent of a dinner bell, alerting mosquitoes that a warm meal is within range. 排放出的气味就像开胃剂一样在空气中流动,对于蚊子来说等同于开饭的铃声,提醒它们附近有热腾腾的美餐。
- The second, the main olfactory epithelium, is a smell-sensitive tissue inside the nasal cavity. 第二个部分是主要嗅觉上皮细胞,嗅上皮是鼻腔内的一个嗅觉敏感组织。
- The appetizing stir is the olfactory equivalent of a dinner bell,alerting mosquitoes that a warm meal is within range. 排放出的气味就像开胃剂一样在空气中流动,对于蚊子来说等同于开饭的铃声,提醒它们附近有热腾腾的美餐。
- Conclusions: The uncus of hippocampus, lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus are the olfactory centre and important tract. 结论:1.;本研究进一步验证了海马回钩、丘脑内侧背核、眶额回为嗅觉中枢及其重要通路。
- Some scientists believe human pheromones might be influencing our decisions along the normal olfactory pathway. 部分科学家认为,人类信息素可能会通过正常的嗅觉通道影响我们的求偶决定。
- Odour material action at smell cell, generation nerve impulse is conducted via olfactory nerve, reach the smell center of pallium finally, form smell. 气味物质作用于嗅细胞,产生神经冲动经嗅神经传导,最后到达大脑皮层的嗅中枢,形成嗅觉。