- Regulation of EAAC 1 may play a role in kainate induced seizure, neurotoxicity and neuronal plasticity. EAAC- 1表达的调控可能与 KA诱导的癫痫发作、神经毒性作用以及在神经元的可塑性中起十分重要的作用
- Neuronal plasticity or synaptic plasticity is maximal during brain development and still exists in adult brain. 脑发育过程中其可塑性最强,成年脑仍具有可塑性。
- Conclusion:BWSTT can improve locomotion of transthoracic SCI rats by promoting the neuronal plasticity of lumbar cord anterior horn. 结论:BWSTT后胸髓横断大鼠可通过增强脊髓损伤平面以下腰髓前角神经元的可塑性,促进其后肢运动功能的恢复。
- In this research subject, we study the relationship between airway neuronal plasticity and airway hyperresponsiveness after recurrently RSV infection in SD rats. 本课题从RSV感染后气道神经网络的可塑性变化来探讨RSV感染导致哮喘的机制。
- The stable neuronal plasticity of SGN existed under the present experimental condition.Conclusion The SGN can be cultured by the method of trypsin dissociation. 结论 酶解分离方法可获得良好状态的SGN细胞,可以满足体外多种实验需要。
- The mechanism of vesicle exocytosis and the related neuronal plasticity 囊泡胞吐机制及与其相关的神经元可塑性
- Progress and investigation of neuronal plasticity interfered by Borna disease virus infection 博尔纳病病毒感染对神经元可塑性影响的研究进展
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- Keywords neuronal plasticity;synapses;Purkinje cells;electrosensory lobe;electric fis 神经元可塑性;突触;浦肯野氏细胞;电感受叶;电鱼;
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盘预先包装。
- Many items in daily use are made of plastic. 很多日常生活用品是用塑料制成的。
- A kind of plastic stuff is used to make the plates. 这些盘子是用一种塑料制造的。
- Prospects for the Studies of the Inducing of Neuronal Plasticity Changes by TCM Therapies and Its Effects on the Rehabilitation of Cerebral Function 中医药诱导神经元可塑性变化对脑功能康复作用的研究展望
- Put your washing in the plastic bag. 把你要洗的衣物放到商行塑料袋中。
- Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。
- Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. 塑胶有时可以替代皮革。
- The computer is protected by a plastic cover. 计算机得到塑料套的保护。