- Suitable for flame retardant, raw materials of high purity and high active magnesium oxide, oil product additive, desulfurate agent of flue-gas, neutralizer of waste water, electron industry, medicine, sugar-refining, heat insulator and food additive. 可用于阻燃剂,高活性、高纯度氧化镁的原料,油品添加剂和电子、陶瓷原料,重金属脱除,土壤防酸化,医药中用于抗酸剂和缓泻剂,食品添加剂以及各种废水处理,烟气脱硫等。
- How can they get rid of waste water in this way? 他们怎能用这样的方式处理废水?
- neutralization of waste water 废水中和,废水的中和
- Number of Facilities forTreatment of Waste Water(set). 废水治理设施数(套)
- Israel has the most advanced system of waste water recycling. 以色列已朝废水再利用系统这方向进步。
- MR ZHU: Yes, I see. How can they get rid of waste water in this way? 朱老师:看见了。他们怎能这样排放废水呢?
- Lignin decreasing COD values of waste water from brewage was investigated. 采用木质素作为絮凝剂,初步研究了降低白酒、啤酒酿造厂综合污水COD的效果。
- It features solar street lighting and the recycling of waste water for garden irrigation. 它有太阳能照明的街灯并利用再循环的废水浇灌花园。
- Major Responsibilities: - Develop, engineer, construct and commission waste water treatment processes; - Manage economic assessment of wast... 拜耳技术工程(上海)有限公司-工作地点:上海-奉贤
- In developing countries,as much as 90 per cent of waste water is discharged without treatment. 在发展中世界里,高达90%25的废水没有经过处理就排放了出去。
- Every day large quantities of waste water are poured into rivers without being cleaned. 大量的废水每天没有经过处理就被倒入江河。
- And the process of waste water drainage and the technical condition are proposed on the experiment. 并在试验的基础上,提出了处理公司外排废水工艺流程和技术条件。
- This method may not only lower expense of waste water treatment, but also provide saf... 该方法降低了污水处理费用,安全、经济、可靠。
- The hazard of waste water from silvering blanks of vacuum bottles as well as its sources were described. 叙述了保温瓶胆镀银废水的来源及其危害。
- Treatment of waste water containing pyrocatechol catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase(HRP) was studied. 研究了用辣根过氧化物酶催化处理邻苯二酚废水的效果。
- So for each gallon that goes into the filter, you get 1 gallon of filtered water, and 4 gallons of “waste water”. 所以每加入过滤器1加仑水,你只能获得1份纯水,其他四份是“废水”。
- Make use of waste water in the depositing tank for water spreading and dustfall so as to reduce dust in the air. 现场大门口设置草垫及高压清洗机,及时冲洗车轮上的泥土,避免污染场外道路。
- The problems of waste water tank of chlorethylene units waste water treatment system were discussed. 讨论了氯乙烯装置废水处理系统废水罐在使用过程中出现的问题。
- The tanneries let off a mass of waste water and sludge, which would pollutethe environmentseriously. 制革行业产生大量的制革废水及污泥,污染环境。
- Investigation about the current situation of waste water and sludge disposal in tanneries were made in this paper. 本文通过对上百家制革企业污水、污泥处理情况的调查、分析,表明污水治理已是各企业环境治理的一项重要工作;