- For the whole evening my new acquaintance hung on to me. 那晚我的新相识一直跟着我在一起。
- I think a ball is an irrational way to gain new acquaintance. 我觉得办舞会来认识新朋友是个很荒谬的事。
- It seem particularly good for make new acquaintance. 它似乎特别适合结交新朋友。
- He seems particularly good for making new acquaintance. 他似乎特别适合结交新朋友。
- A new acquaintance is appearing at the door. I must go and bid welcome to him. 门口又来了一位新朋友,我该过去表示欢迎。
- Your new acquaintance will probably tell you he is, say, a creative artist. 他说他是creative artist。
- It makes your new acquaintance feel happy when you call him by his name. 对你新交直呼其名会使他感到快乐
- When he has extracted everything he can from a new acquaintance,he drops him like a hot brick. 每当他从新朋友那里弄到他能得到的一切后,便像对付一块烫手的砖一样,将其抛弃。
- This gave us a chance to make new acquaintances. 这给了我们机会结识新朋友。
- Mr.Spencer, I'd like you to meet one of my new acquaintance, Mr. Williams from the Stevedoring Company. 斯赛塞先生,我想请你认识一下我的新相识,装卸公司的威廉先生。
- If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone. 如果一个人在一生中不结交新朋友,他很快就会发现自己很孤独。
- Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance. 人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或她的优点。
- The kid shrinks from making new acquaintances. 这孩子怕交新朋友。
- If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. 如果一个人在一生中不结交新知,很快就会发现自己形单影孤。
- When he has extracted everything he can from a new acquaintance, he drops him like a hot brick. 每当他从新朋友那里弄到他能得到的一切后,便像对付一块烫手的砖一样,将其抛弃。
- Your new acquaintance will probably tell you he is, say, a creative artist. It is unlikely that he tells you he belongs to a certain company. 答案不会是某某公司,他说他是creative artist,很少说我在某某公司作。
- Mr.Spencer, I\\\'d like you to meet one of my new acquaintance, Mr. Williams from the Stevedoring Company. 斯赛塞先生,我想请你认识一下我的新相识,装卸公司的威廉先生。
- If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances throufh life ,he will soon find himself aline . 忠告就像雪花,飘落得越轻柔,就越能持久,也越能深深地潜入人心。-----塞缪尔。柯尔雷基
- Mr. Bruce, I'd like you to meet one of my new acquaintance, Mr. Albert from the Stevedoring Company. 布鲁斯先生,我想请你认识一下我的新朋友,装卸公司的阿尔伯特先生。
- The Grants showing a disposition to be friendly and sociable, gave great satisfaction in the main among their new acquaintance. 格兰特夫妇性情和蔼可亲,待人友好,他们新近认识的人,基本上对他们都非常满意。