- Ownership Structure and Agency Problem: A New Analytical Frame 股权结构与代理问题:一个新的分析框架
- new analytical frame 新分析框架
- It analyses the library science according to the concept system and analytical frame of the sociology, then reveals the subject character of library science. 摘要按照社会学的概念体系和分析框架对图书馆学进行了分析,从而得出图书馆学的学科属性。
- Abstract Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) is a new analytical techniquefor labile, nonvolatile organic compounds. 摘要 二次离子质谱法(SIMS)是一种分析易热解和不挥发的有机化合物的新技术。
- High-maltose syrups was formed from potato starch with enzyme, and a new analytical method of high-maltose syrups was put forward. 对本实验室以马铃薯淀粉为原料,利用酶解制备的高麦芽糖浆进行了分析,为麦芽糖的定量分析提供了新的方法。
- The variations of the polyphosphate content of the microorganisms in the activated sludge mixed liquor were investigated with a new analytical method. 提出了活性污泥混合液中微生物内聚磷酸盐含量的测定方法。
- Based on the theory of iodimetry,a new analytical method for the rapid titration of manganese dioxide in pyrolusite is developed. 利用碘量法基本原理,建立了一种快速测定软锰矿中二氧化锰含量的新方法。
- A new analytical model for the TCP throughput, considering the packet losses caused by high and bursty errors in wireless links, is proposed. 该文提出新的TCP流量理论分析模型,研究无线链路突发差错引起的分组丢失对TCP流量性能的影响。
- An analytical frame work is developed by treating the BOF steel as EAF steel's substitutes, Then the application potential and application potential are gotten using the framework. 提出了电弧炉炼钢比较优势分析框架,将电炉钢和转炉钢作为替代品进行比较,得出了电炉炼钢的优势及影响其应用的因素。
- In addtion to I_(2),there are(AuI)_(n)nanoparticle and IO~-_(3)in the system. A new analytical reagent of AuI~-_(2)in resonance scattering spectral analysis has been prepared. 结果表明;反应过程中不仅生成了I2;而且有(AuI)n纳米微粒和IO3-存在;AuI2-可作为共振散射光谱分析新试剂.
- Perform daily maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of laboratory analytical equipment.Assists the analytical chemist in developing specifications for new analytical equipment. 负责日常维修、发现并修理故障和实验室分析仪器的修理.;辅助分析化学师为新的分析仪器设计规格说明;
- Rational reformulation is basically to create new analytical categories, or more simply, to unearth the hidden assumptions implicit in all strategic thinking and research. 理性重塑是要在根本上创造新的分析类别,或者更简单地说就是,要挖掘出所有战略思考与研究之中那些尚不清晰的潜在假设。
- Moreover, a new analytical model for the transformer winding loss in flyback converter is also proposed by utilizing the orthogonality of the two field components. 通过研究其线圈窗口磁场的正交性,进一步提出一种新型反激变换器的变压器线圈损耗解析模型。
- In this paper, we will conclude that the SCP analytic frame is not suitable for banking sector. 本文将在此基础上说明运用SCP框架来解释银行业的市场结构问题并不合适。
- A new analytical model was established to describe the complex behavior of ceramic/metal armor under impact of deformable projectile by assuming some hypotheses. 针对弹体撞击陶瓷/金属复合靶板的问题;将弹体的变形、陶瓷面板的碎裂和金属背板的变形结合起来;建立了新的可变形弹体垂直撞击陶瓷/金属靶板的理论分析模型.
- This paper attempts to develop an analytic frame for the entry mode of the service multinationals on the basis of the model of Buckley and Casson. 本文试图在巴克利一卡森模型的基础上,发展出服务业跨国公司进入模式的分析框架。
- On the Analytical Frame of Administrative Behavior 试论行政行为的分析框架
- Flow injection analysis (FIA), developed in 1975 by Ruzika and Hansen of the Technical University of Denmark, is a new analytical technique for sample solutions being effectively dealt with and determined in non-equilibrium state. 流动注射分析(Flow Injection Analysis,FIA)是1975年丹麦技术大学Ruzicka和Hansen提出的一种在非平衡状态下对待测样品溶液进行高效处理、测定的新方法,它从根本上改变了几百年来分析化学测定必须在物理化学平衡状态下完成的传统,开辟了溶液分析化学的一个全新领域。
- Op-Amp in sc filters is considered as singlepole model; with the hepl of matrix operation a new analytical method of sc filter of non-ideal Op-Amp is repres ented, based on the accumuation of charge conservation and time-differential equation of Op-Amp. 用单极点模型描述开关电容滤波器中的运放:一种以电荷守恒方程和运放时域微分方程为基础,借助于矩阵运算而分析具有一阶运放的SC滤波器的方法。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。