- Ten new cases of bird flu were reported yesterday. 据报告,昨天有十人证实患上禽流感。
- The lawyer undertook a new case. 那位律师承办了一件新的案子。
- Each year about 200 new cases of HIV infection are diagnosed. 现时每年新诊断的爱滋病病毒感染个案约有200宗。
- New cases have been cropping up daily in the double digits. 每天都有双位数字的新增感染个案。
- But this comes as new cases appear in the USA and Europe. 但是随之而来的是在美国和欧洲出现了新的案例。
- The investigation surrounding the new cases is considering two hypotheses. 围绕这些新病例进行的调查正在考虑两种假定。
- Still, W.H.O. officials continue to report new cases across the world. 但是,世界卫生组织的官员不断的报告全世界的新增病例。
- The woman is the first new case in Egypt reported since early April. 该名妇女系埃及自4月初以来报告的第1例新病例。
- The new case of wild polio virus was conformed last month in South Darfur. 上个月在达尔福尔南部确认了一起由野生小儿麻痹病毒引起的新病例。
- The new case of wild poliovirus was confirmed last month in South Darfur. 上月,达富尔南部地区确定了一例新野生型脊髓灰质炎病毒感染的病例。
- We must break out a new case of wine for the young man's 21st birthday. 我们必须新开一箱酒,来庆祝这个年轻人的21岁生日。
- The new case of wild polio virus was confirmed last month in South Darfur. 新的病例是发生在达尔福尔南部。
- The new case of wild poliovirus was confirmed last month in South Darfur*. 上月,达富尔南部地区确定了一例新野生型脊髓灰质炎病毒感染的病例。
- And the San Jose District Attorney's office reports receiving at least two new cases each week. 圣何塞地方检察院说每周至少收到两个新案件。
- Cancer rates worldwide could increase by 50 per cent by 2020, reaching 15 million new cases a year. 到2020年,全世界癌症的发病率有可能增加50个百分点,每年可能将出现1500万新病例。
- Despite an avalanche each year of new cases,the police say the books are never closed on unsolved homicides. 警方说,尽管新案件每年大量增加,未侦破的杀人案件从不结案。
- The data obtained suggested that the possible etiology of the new cases be still iodine deficiency. 检测结果提示,新发地克病患者出现的原因,可能仍为碘供给量不足。
- In the United States, black people have about half the new cases of HIV each year. 在美国,每年新感染hiv病毒的人当中有一半左右是黑人。
- A total of 45,844 new cases of diabetes were reported during a study follow-up period ranging from 5 to 30 years. 每一项研究的随访时间在5到30年之间,在随访期间,有总计4万5844名糖尿病新病例被报道。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。