- new democracy regime theory 新民主主义政权理论
- The theory of new democracy is an important component of Mao Zedong thought. 新民主主义理论是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分。
- I think this can serve to illustrate New Democracy. 我想这可以比喻新民主主义。
- Title: Madagascar: A New Democracy? 马达加斯加:新的民主政体?
- But what a strange thing this "new democracy" is! 可是,“新式民主”是件多么新奇的事情!
- The reasons above on ideological theory reflected certain subjectivity of the discontinuance of the New Democracy. 以上思想理论方面的原因,反映出新民主主义社会阶断中断的一定的主观性、人为性。
- New Democracy theory of Mao Zedong points to palpability a realistic way that from semi-colony semi-feudal society moves toward socialism. 毛泽东的新民主主义理论指明了一条从半殖民地半封建社会走向社会主义的现实道路。
- At last, it was some unclearness and uncertainty of the social theory of the New Democracy itself.It made Mao Zedong have to change it in carrying out the thoroughgoing principle of the theory. 最后是新民主主义社会理论本身的某些不明晰和不确定性,使毛泽东在贯彻理论的彻底性原则时不能不将它加以改变。
- A.G.Chantler.The Appicability of Regime Theory to Tidal Watercourse,Journal of Hydraulic Research 1974.12. 韩曾萃;史英标;等.;珊溪枢纽引水前、后下游河道冲淤观测分析及预测[R]
- We resolutely oppose colonial culture and comprador feudal culture and are working to achieve the political goals of New Democracy. 我们坚决反对殖民地文化,反对买办性的封建主义文化,而为新民主主义的政治目的服务。
- Why should we not eulogize the proletariat,the Communist Party,New Democracy and socialism? 无产阶级,共产党,新民主主义,社会主义,为什么不应该歌颂呢?
- The Chinese revolution cannot avoid taking the two steps,first of New Democracy and then of socialism. 中国革命不能不做两步走,第一步是新民主主义,第二步才是社会主义。
- And the politics of New Democracy are the concentrated expression of the economy of New Democracy. 而新民主主义的政治,就是这种新民主主义经济的集中的表现。
- Essentially,the politics of New Democracy means giving the peasants their rights. 新民主主义的政治,实质上就是授权给农民。
- Why should we not eulogize the proletariat, the Communist Party, New Democracy and socialism? 无产阶级,共产党,新民主主义,社会主义,为什么不应该歌颂呢?
- Mao Zedong's theory on new democracy 新民主主义理论
- the New Democracy cultural theory 新民主主义文化观
- Here democracy does not belong to the old category--it is not the old democracy,but belongs to the new category--it is New Democracy. 而所谓民主主义,现在已不是旧范畴的民主主义,已不是旧民主主义,而是新范畴的民主主义,而是新民主主义。
- "Jerry will be remembered for his superb work in laying the foundations for a new democracy in the Middle East," he said. 布什说:“人们将记住他为奠定中东民主事业的基础所做的出色工作。
- Some members of Mr Karamanlis's New Democracy party claim their opponents started fires deliberately to discredit the government. 卡拉曼利斯所率领的新民主党部分成员声称是反对派故意放火,目的是为了使政府失信于民。