- Also welcome your constant encouragement and flogging us in the new economic environment, has been made to the development and progress! 也欢迎您不断激励和鞭笞我们,在新经济环境下,得到长足的发展和进步!
- New economic crimes are taking place for new economic system replaces old economic system which perplex the economic environment day after day. 在经济高速发展,特别是在新旧体制转换的过程中,由于经济环境日趋复杂,出现了一些新型的经济犯罪案例。
- The anti-corruption agencies of the two places will continue to work closely together to fight cross-border crime and to help cross-boundary businessmen strengthen corporate governance in the new economic environment. 两地反贪机关在打击跨境贪污罪行方面,会继续维持紧密、稳固的合作关系,支援两地经商者在新经济环境下做好企业管治。
- new economical environment 新经济环境
- The Management Pattern of Enterprises under the New Economic Environment 新经济环境下的企业经营模式
- They are thrashing out a new economic policy. 他们正在研究制定一个新的经济政策。
- Adjust economical environment and rectify economical order. 治理经济环境和整顿经济秩序
- The new economic policy dimmed the popularity of the president. 新的经济政策使总统的声望下降。
- Prohect-oriented Strategic Programming for Company Growth in New Economic Environment 新经济环境下推动企业成长的项目导向战略规划
- Receive the New Economic Environment with Series Enterprise Management Innovation 以系列企业管理创新迎接新经济环境
- Why is the Silicon Valley a New Economic Model? 为什么硅谷成为一种新的经济模式?
- “The new economic team will forge an integrated strategy on how best to achieve currency realignment in the current economic environment. 新经济团队将打造一个完整的战略,用以在当前经济环境中更好地实现币值调整。”
- Such new economic developments must be devised. 这样一个新的经济发展必须有周全的计划。
- TEDA isa new economic growth point of Tianjin. 天津开发区是天津市一个新的经济增长点。
- What do you think of our new economics instructor? 你觉得新经济学老师怎么样?
- Various aspects receive the economical environment under the influence, the handset cannot avoid occurrence submersion tendency. 各方面受到经济大环境的影响下,手机也不能避免的发生下沉趋势。
- Frontiers of the New Economic Geography. 介绍了空间经济学的前沿。由浅入深。
- As for China, the conditions about complete abolishment of death penalty are not mature, from Chinese current political and economical environment. 但是,由于废除死刑必须具备一定的社会物质、观念条件,而从我国现阶段的政治经济与人文背景来看,完全废除死刑的条件并不成熟。
- "Materialized labour" is a new economic term. “物化劳动”是经济学领域的一个新词汇。