- Now your new function will show in the main window. 现在这个新函数将出现在主窗口中。
- In the first line with the name of the new function. 替换为新函数的名称。
- Normally the effect of this will be to produce a new function. 在通常情况下,这样做的效果将会产生一个新函数。
- New function modules and seldom used modules are packed as add-on. 新的功能模块和较少使用的模块作为插件打包。
- You must include the entire new function in the ALTER FUNCTION statement. 必须在ALTER FUNCTION语句中包括整个新函数。
- Show them all the new functions. 为他们展示所有的新功能。
- New functions aren't being added to the phones. 手机没有在增加新的功能。
- Introduction to New Functions of NUCARS 2. 2软件新功能介绍。
- In PHP 5 there are some new functions. PHP 5有了些新函数。
- New functions are being added to the phones. 电话机被加上了新的功能。
- While the meta-key is pressed, the cursor should change to reflect the new function of the idiom. 当元键被按下时,光标发生改变从而反映出某种习惯用法的新功能。
- A process which produces a new function out of any given function is called an operator. 从一个已知函数产生另一个新函数的过程叫做算子。
- In his new function he will continue to serve the future development of our company. 在新的工作岗位上,他还将对公司未来的发展作出贡献。
- New functionality includes the ability to start the sound paused. 新函数包含开始声音暂停的功能。
- It is in favourof to extend and debug a new function to use a modularization method for designing program. 其模块化的程序设计方法。非常有利于扩展新的功能和调试。
- The SQL syntax you use to create the new function must be compatible with the initial menu choice. 用来创建新函数的SQL语法必须与初始菜单选项兼容。
- The process for new function of high-quality blouse/shirting fabrics and bed linen of 100% cotton is discussed. 讨论了一种用于100%25棉的高级外衣/衬衫和床用织物功能整理的新工艺。
- Cereal song company shows, this one new function of this company is done not have lawbreaking. 谷歌公司则表示,该公司的这一新功能没有违反法律。
- A new function of user experience settings,you can report the unfound words to Iciba to enrich the dictionary source. 最新增加用户体验设置,将查不到的单词自动报告给词霸,便于在日后升级过程中不断丰富词典资源。
- New function allows what you go to the lavatory to uninstall a few trashy IE browser plug-in unit. 新的功能答应你方便的卸载一些没用的IE浏览器插件。