- new germ plasm 新种质
- new germ plasma resources 新种质
- Germ Plasm Resource, Wealth to be Shared by Mankind? 种质资源是人类共享的财富吗?
- No entity or individual may encroach or spoil aquatic germ plasm resources. 禁止任何单位和个人侵占和破坏水产种质资源。
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA for short) is a kind of germ plasm with the structure of double helix. 脱氧核糖核酸 (简称DNA)是生物体内的一种具有双螺旋结构的遗传物质 .
- Studies on the Soil of Heptacodium Minconioides and Its Conservation of Germ Plasm Resources. 七子花土壤的研究及种质资源的保护。
- The theory that inherited characteristics are transmitted from parent to offspring by germ plasm. 种质遗传遗传特征通过胚原基原生质由亲本传给后代的理论
- And the result suggested the kind of amaranth margin on leaf was excellent germ plasm. 综合总灰分和醇溶性浸出物含量的结果可看出,边缘红色类型为敦化产野生朝鲜淫羊藿的优良种质类型。
- Therefore, it is very important to set up the germ plasm resource and breeding of grass in grass studying specialty. 所以在草业科学专业开设该门课程是十分有意义的。
- This method can be used in variety identification and germ plasm analysis not only for wheat but also for rye. 结果表明,此方法不仅适用于小麦醇溶蛋白分析,而且也适用于黑麦和小黑麦种质资源分析。
- Conserving mollusk's germ plasm resources is a reliably guarantee of sustainable development of aquiculture. 保护贝类种质资源,是使我国贝类养殖业健康持续发展的可靠保障。
- As far as the essential of life gate, we will explore it from many aspects including germ plasm, biology instinct and life activity. 而命门的实质,则应从包括遗传物质、物本能以及生命活动在内的多系统、层面去探讨。
- Campbell, M. R., J. S. Li, T. G. Berke and D. V. Glover1996 Variation of starch size in tropical maize germ plasm, Cereal Chemistry73:536-538. 张祖新,郑用琏,李建生,刘纪麟1994三峡地区10个玉米地方品种的遗传潜势,华中农业大学学报13:449-454。
- The theory that all heritable characteristics arise in the germ plasm and that acquired characteristics cannot be inherited. 魏斯曼学说认为可遗传的特征来自种质,后天的特征不能被继承的理论
- However, in insects with panoistic ovarioles containing no nurse cells, it is uncertain whether or not they contain maternal germ plasm or nuage. 然而,在不具有营养细胞的无营养细胞型微卵管中,母系生殖浆或生殖云是否存在仍属未定。
- The studies on germ plasm resources of Arisaema ainurense Maxim.show there are many differences among quality and quantity characters. 对东北天南星种质资源研究结果表明,各质量性状存在较大变异,以茎色、叶形、叶缘形态、佛焰苞颜色等变异最大;
- Weismann believed his notion of the germ plasm could explain telegony, should it be shown to exist, but he doubted its reality. Weismann相信他的关于遗传物质的概念可以解释telegony,它可能是真的,但Weismann怀疑其真实性。
- Germ plasm The part of an organism that, according to Weissmann at the beginning of the 20th century, passed its characters on to the next generation. 种质:由20世纪初Weissmann提出,该学说认为生物体具有将上一代生物性状传递给下一代的物质即种质。
- Studies on Interaction of Indolizine-naphthoquinone and CT-DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the essential germ plasm in organisms. 2.;中氮茚萘醌化合物与CT-DNA相互作用的研究 脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)是生物体的重要遗传物质。
- As far as the essential of life gate,we will explore it from many aspects including germ plasm,biology instinct and life activity. 而命门的实质,则应从包括遗传物质、生物本能以及生命活动在内的多系统、多层面去探讨。