- New Global Economic Recession in Store? 新的全球经济衰退是否正在孕育之中?
- New global IT facility opens in Prague, Czech Republic. 在捷克斯洛伐克的布拉格设立新的全球IT中心。
- This is the story of how the new global economy was born. 这便是新的全球经济诞生的故事。
- We're not adapting quickly to the new global economy. 我们不能迅速适应新的全球性经济体系。
- Congratulations, your new global SFI business is growing! (恭喜!你新的全球SFI事业正在蓬勃发展!
- There is a new global movement demanding affordable health care for all. 这是一场要求全面降低医疗费用的全球性运动。
- We present a new globalization nonmonotone Filter strategy of Barzilai-Borwein algorithm. 引进多维过滤策略的好处是发挥最大的可能性来接收迭代产生的点,减少迭代次数,从而减少计算量,节省计算时间,同时也不影响全局收敛性。
- Does this mean Spain's new global champions will find themselves beached? 这是否意味着新一代的全球征服者们面对这一切将会措手不及呢?
- This new global communication net breaks through all geopolitical barriers. 这种新的全球通信网突破了所有的地缘政治障碍。
- Three forces are interacting to create this new globality. 有三种力量在互动,创造了这个新的全球性。
- So I think that democratic systems both are good for security and match the requirements of the new global economy. 所以我认为,民主制度既有利于安全,又能满足新的全球经济的需要。
- Manufacturers of consumer packaged goods are continually targeting profitable, new global markets for their brands. 消费性包装商品制造商不断瞄准适合其品牌的、有利可图的新兴全球市场。
- No company can afford to neglect quality control if they wish to remain competitive in the new global economy. 任何一家公司要想在新的全球经济中保持竞争力,就不得不重视质量管理。
- Now a new global opinion survey out this week suggests their efforts have paid off. 这周新一轮的全球意见调查表明他们的努力得到了回报。
- Trotman plans to build on that Mondeo infrastructure to create a whole new global lineup. 特洛特曼计划在“蒙蒂欧行动”的结构基础上创造一个全新的全球化生产网。
- Today I'm announcing a new global effort with the Organization of the Islamic Conference to eradicate polio. 今天我宣布与伊斯兰会议组织的一项新合作,旨在根除小儿麻痹症。
- In this interview with MercatorNet she calls for a new global movement of women and girl advocacy. 在棱镜网英文版的本次采访中,她呼吁为保护妇女和女孩而进行一场新的全球运动。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- Ms.Ashton said U.S. support for completing a new global trade deal would boost confidence in world markets. 阿什顿说,如果美国能支持达成一项新的全球贸易协议,将提振世界市场的信心。