- Standing on the New Historical Start Point 站在新的历史起点上
- Commercial development undertaking at a new historical starting point 商务事业发展正站在新的历史起点
- a new historical starting point 新的历史起点
- " Now, standing at a new historical starting point, from the air to continue to mind the tide wave, our contemporary youth, but also can become the pioneer of emancipation of the mind? 如今,站在新的历史起点上,站在继续解放思想大潮的风口浪尖,当代青年的我们,又能否成为思想解放的先行者?
- new historical starting -point 新的历史起点
- China has entered upon a new historical stage. 中国已进入了一个新的历史时期。
- Second, the new historical conditions. 第二个问题,讲讲新的历史条件。
- Some respond to new historical tragedies. 其中一些作品甚至反映了新的历史悲剧。
- A new historical drama is being broadcasted on TV. 电视台最近正在播出一部历史剧。
- After the founding of the People's Republic of China entered upon a new historical stage. 人民共和国成立后,中国就进入了一个新的历史时期。
- On this basis,this article also inquires into the deep layer cause of the traditional festival symbols in the new historical luring point period. 在此基础上,文章还探讨了传统民族节日符号在新的历史转折期转型的深层动因。
- Deng Xiaoping Theory innovates and develops Mao Zedong Thought with new ideas and views of point in the new historical per... 邓小平理论又是邓小平在新的历史时期用新的思想和观点对毛泽东思想的创新性发展 ,是马克思主义在中国发展的新阶段。
- Mine closure is the end of the life cycle of a mine as well as the start of its new historical life. 矿山关闭是矿山生命周期的结束,是新的历史生命的开始,做好新生命的铺垫,是区域持续发展的关键。
- Historiography research worker must disentomb ceaselessly hard new historical data, had new historical data, ability has new point of view. 史学研究工作者必须努力去不断发掘新史料,有了新史料,才能有新观点。
- It is my view that the new historical disciplines complement rather than supplant traditional history. 我认为这些新的历史学科对传统历史学起到了补充而非排挤作用。
- the historical starting point of China-characteristic socialist 中国特色的社会主义的历史起点
- In the coming decades,China's population and development program will enter a new historical period. 未来几十年,中国人口与发展将进入新的历史时期。
- What is the new historical milestone? You will realize it if you purchase our new generation products. 什么是新的历史里程碑?购买了本公司的升级换代产品,您就明白了。
- In the coming decades, China's population and development program will enter a new historical period. 未来几十年,中国人口与发展将进入新的历史时期。
- As combined point of both dual economy and microeconomy and macroeconomy, couties would play an irreplaceable role during the new historic course. 作为城乡经济结合体也是宏观经济和微观经济联结点的县级,将在这新一历史进程中扮演不可替代的角色。