- As an active critic, with his deep thoughts in literary criticism and his talent in aesthetic judgement, Ding Fan has presented to the readers a new literary world. 作为活跃的批评家,作者以强烈的思想锋芒和审美才气,与作家作品共同构筑、现了一个敞开的文学世界。
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
- Does the "New Left" Exist in the Present Literary Criticism Circle? 当前文艺批评界存在"新左派"吗?
- new literary criticism 新丈学批评
- The judicial function of a literary critic. 文学评论家的评判职责
- Why Literary Criticism is Responsible? 文学批评为什么负责?
- He is severe in his literary criticism. 他的文学批评十分严苛。
- The criticism of Zhu Guangqian and Li Changzhi is a sciential style that is the theory source of new literary discourse and places emphasis on communication of all kinds of arts. 新老京派都在新批评方面有所探索:前者侧重于与艺术形式有关的批评探索;后者则在民俗学批评、人类学批评、“神话一原型”批评、精神分析学批评、英美新批评、书评等的实践方面成绩显著。
- A literary critic shall not be too subjective in his approach. 文学评论家的看法不应太主观。
- A literary critic should not be too subjective in his approach. 文学评论家的看法不应太主观.
- The Relationships Between the Issues for Literary Criticisms of Liang Shiqiu and the Regeneration of New Literary System 梁实秋的文学批评与新文学秩序的重建
- The identity of internet viciousness is a new type of literary criticism, and owns the qualification of adapted works. 从性质上说,网络“恶搞”属于新型文艺评论,也具备构成改编作品的条件。
- Therefore, I reiterate, literary criticism is useless. 因此我说,文学批评家无用。
- "Scold and adulation", cause the silence of literary criticism. “骂杀与捧杀”,导致评论萎缩,是文学衰寂的重要原因。 文艺评论需要实事求是的态度。
- The concept of ethical literary criticism was raised by Professor Nie Zhenzhao in 2004.It is a new but effective way to analyze science fiction. 伦理道德批评是聂珍钊教授于2004年提出的一个全新的批评方法。 虽然是一种新的批评方式,但它的意义是深远的。
- The reader in search of literary criticism, or even the origins of absurdist thought, will not find it in the three new biographies. 寻找文学批评乃至荒诞主义来源的读者,在这三本新书里会一无所获。
- Walt Whiteman and Emily Dickinson are two American great poets in the same century, creating a new literary era. 惠特曼和狄金森是美国同一时代的两位伟大的诗人,开创了美国诗歌的新纪元。
- The third part puts forward a strategy of rewriting a new literary history in the broad context of world literature. 第三部分则提出一种在世界文学背景下以语言为疆界重写汉语文学史的策略。
- Romance is a kind of aesthetic style and writing technique, not a new literary form. 传奇主要是一种美学风格和表现手法,其本身并不是一种新文体。
- As a discipline mediating between linguistics and literary criticism, literary stylistics provides a new perspective for literary translation studies. 作为连接语言学和文学批评的桥梁,近年来兴起于西方的文学文体学理论,为翻译理论与实践的研究开辟了一个新的视角。