- the potential of new oil ties 新的石油关系的发展前景
- new oil ties 新的石油关系
- They discovered a new oil field in North China. 他们在华北发现了一块新油田。
- The scientists have discovered a new oil fields. 科学家发现新油田。
- They are opening up a new oil field. 他们正在开发新的油田。
- Rubber seed is a new oil source. 摘要橡胶籽油是一种新的油源。
- He ploughed much money into developing new oil fields. 他将很多钱投资于新油田的开发。
- Oil workers gathered in great force at the new oil field. 石油工人浩浩荡荡开进新油田。
- Meanwhile, new oil infrastructure projects could stoke imports. 同时,新的石油基础设施项目可能刺激进口。
- The new oil that we have found will improve our economy. 在这里发现的石油将提高我们的经济状况。
- After they had seized Yung Ping the Reds sank two new oil wells. 红军占领永平后,开凿了两口新油井。
- They used geology to determine likely sites for new oil wells. 他们运用地质学来测定新油井的可能位置。
- The oil-bearing structure of the new oil field has been verified. 新油田的含油层结构已经探明。
- The new oil that we have found will improve the state of the economy. 新发现的石油将大大改善国家的经济状况。
- The oil companies were looking for new oil fields to exploit in East Asia. 石油公司正在东亚寻找可开采的新油田。
- Kodi says In Brazzaville French officials will be looking for new oil supplies. 在尼日尔, 法国核公司阿海珐最近刚刚签署了开采铀矿的合同。
- Worse, nowadays, new oil tends to be found in relatively inaccessible spots or in more unwieldy forms. 更糟的是,如今,新石油趋向于在更加难以挖掘的地点被发现,其形态也更加粘稠。
- Nicandra physaloides (L) Gaertn seed is a new oil resource containing rich linoleic acid. 假酸浆籽是富含亚油酸的一种新油源。
- A federal judge threw a monkey wrench into the project to build a new oil refinery on the river. 新闻报道说:“联邦法官终止了在河上修建新的炼油厂的工程。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。