- Personal newspaper and magazine subscription service. 私人报章杂志之代订服务享有空间独立空调。
- newspaper and magazine stand 售报亭
- Newspaper and Magazine Booths, Payphone Cabins, Retail Kiosk pls visit our web site. 香港公司求购报刊亭与零售屋活动房,望有生产能力的厂家尽快与我公司联系。
- Merriam-Webster editors have spotted it in countless newspaper and magazine articles since 2000. 从2000年开始,《韦氏词典》的编辑们就在很多报纸和杂志的文章中发现了这个词。
- We become used to seeing the bood on tv and newspaper, or in full color newspaper and magazine. 我们变得习惯看报纸和电视上的血。或者彩色报纸和杂志。
- Yet if e-readers do take off, the real beneficiaries could be the ailing newspaper and magazine publishers. 不过一旦电子阅读器真的实现了快速发展,真正的受益者将会是面临困境的报纸和杂志出版商。
- Newspapers and magazines cluttered the bedroom. 卧室里到处都是报纸和杂志。
- Newspaper and magazine ads simply do not at-tract the most qualified candidates because suitable candidates may already be employed and not actively looking for another job. 报纸、杂志中的广告已不能吸引大部分优秀的候选人,因为合适的候选人可能已被聘用,且不会去主动找另一份工作。
- The effect of pulping condition on the deinking efficiency of aged newspaper and magazine wastepaper in two-stage pulping process was studied. 采用二段碎浆的方式,得出了废纸碎解条件影响油墨已老化的旧报刊废纸脱墨效果的趋势,分析了造成这一趋势的原因。
- At times, more care goes into the composition of newspaper and magazine advertisements than into the writing of the features and editorials. 如果平行的两个成分在形式上是介词短语,而且介词相同,一般说来第二个介词不要省略。如:
- He sells newspapers and magazines. 表示现在、过去、将来。
- Smoking, listening to radio broadcast, reading newspaper and magazine, using personal notebook and switching on their handphone are strictly prohibited. 此禅院坚决禁止吸烟,收听广播,阅读报章,娱乐杂志或周刊,使用私人电脑及开着手机。
- Are those newspapers and magazines free? 那些报纸和杂志都是免费的吗?
- However, a Web site that recarries and extracts works beyond the scope as prescribed for reprinting in newspaper and magazine articles shall be considered copyright infringement. 但网站转载、摘编作品超过有关报刊转载作品范围的,应当认定为侵权。
- This would allow for the convenience of the traditional newspaper and magazine form to be connected to the dynamic conversation that on-line Netnews allows. 这要在适当的时机,将传统的报纸杂志形式与在线的网络新闻提供动态的对话相连通。
- At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books. 这家商店起初只出售报纸和杂志,后来又增售青少年读物。
- This word had found its way into newspapers and magazines. 这个词已广泛用于报刊杂志。
- For the person that buys newspaper and magazine to those jubilation, the sort of area can consider when buying tea table store of content function, can receive your magazine, paper orderly kind. 对于那些喜欢买报纸和杂志的人来说,买茶几的时候可以考虑那种带储物功能的,可以将你的杂志、报纸收纳整洁的类型。
- He unfurled the newspaper and began to read. 他展开报纸开始阅读。
- MacKenzie argues that monitor technology is now getting so good that contract soft proofing is about to break out from the newspaper and magazine sectors into others, including packaging. 麦肯齐认为,监测技术,现在越来越好合同的软打样是即将爆发从报纸和杂志部门到其他国家,包括包装。