- next state line 下一状态行
- That returns the next state given an XML node. 它会返回给定XML节点的下一个状态。
- I think I'll fly over and see my relatives in the next state. 我想我得飞到邻国去看我的亲戚。
- To the next state, which displays the data in application interface. 传递给下一状态,这将在应用程序界面上显示数据。
- Hillary: Look! The Florida state line! We'll make it on time after all! 希拉蕊:你们看!是佛罗里达州界耶!我们总算能准时赶到了!
- It is looking at property about 50 miles (80km) away from tribal lands, near the Rhode Island state line. 如今他们卯上了一块距部落领土50英里(约合80公里),邻近罗德岛州边界土地。
- When this task is completed, the workflow updates the status of the item and progresses to the next state. 完成该任务后,该工作流会更新该项目的状态并进入下一状态。
- The last pole of the transcontinental telephone line is placed in Wendover, Utah, on the Nevada-Utah state line. 横贯大陆的内华达州至犹他州的电话线路最后一根电线杆在犹他州温都华完成。
- Officials are urging residents to evacuate from waterlogged areas near the state line. 官员们正催促饱受水患的州边境地区的居民尽快撤离。
- The state assignment is single transition time (STT), and with this method, a relatively simple set of next state equations can be obtained. 它的状态分配是一次转换的(即STT),并能得到简单的次状态方程组。
- Tsongas had annihilated me in the precincts closest to the Massachusetts state line. 在紧挨着马萨诸塞州边境线的选区,聪格斯彻底击溃了我。
- He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines. 他被判犯有非法越境偷运武器罪。
- Officials are urging residents to evacuate from waterlogged areas near the state line . 政府敦促在这个州交界处居民从被水淹没的地区转移走。
- The Reinstall property indicates that this software element can transition to its next state even if a software element of the same version already exists in the environment. Reinstall属性表示这个软件元素可以过渡到下一个状态,即使同一版本的软件元素已经在环境中。
- Shawnee Mission Parkway will become Ward Parkway after about 5.25 miles, shortly after crossing over State Line Road. 对其内容、路况、线路使用情况或行车速度不做任何声明或保证。
- Pine Plains, N.Y., near the Connecticut state line, reported 7 inches, and Burlington, Conn., had 6.5 inches.The Boston area had about 7. 靠近康涅狄格州的帕恩平原,据报道有7英寸的降雪,柏林敦有6.;5英寸
- Two police officers riding bikes to raise money for the families of officers killed on duty were themselves killed in a wreck near the India-Illinois state line today. 两名警察骑脚踏车为值班人员被杀的家属募款,他们今天在印度Illinois国家线附近遇难。
- Please carry that long word on to the next line. 请把那个长单词接着写到第二行去。
- Company is located in 324 State Line Road, 211 kilometers, the South according to Jinjiang Airport 10 kilometers, 12 kilometers east of Quanzhou port, transport radiating wide operating convenience. 公司位于国道324线211公里处,南依晋江机场10公里,东临泉州港12公里,交通辐射面广,营运便利。
- The boys have decided to go camping next week. 男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。