- nexus of quasi contract 准合约
- The enterprise is a contract nexus of all factor owners. 摘要企业是各要素所有者的合约联结。
- The nexus of poisons and terror is new. The nexus of Iraq and terror is old. 毒剂与恐怖的联系是个新的方式,但伊拉克与恐怖的联系有长久的历史。
- To a growing group of information war technologists, it is the nexus of fantasy and reality. 对一组成长的信息战专家,它是幻想和现实的连结。
- a quasi success; a quasi contract. 类似的成功;准契约。
- Objective To discuss the application of quasi coronaryCT scan in fracture of anklebone. 目的:探讨准冠状位扫描技术在踝关节骨折检查中的应用。
- The cell phone has become the nexus of our sales activities because it enables efficient coordination. 移动电话已经成为我们的销售活动的连结渠道,因为它能进行有效的协调。
- In this paper a fast accurate algorithm which is effective to analyze period and phase of quasi sinusoids is discussed. 讨论了一种快速、准确的算法分析离散的准正弦函数的相位和周期。
- In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu. 在日本,银行通常是交叉联结持有股份的实体,被称为财阀。
- The precise integration method of quasi wavelet homogenization for solving KDV-type equations is given in this paper. 摘要本文提出拟小波齐次扩容精细积分法。
- Britain's largest Chinatown, as in the whole nexus of your comfort hint of homesickness. 全英最大的唐人街为身在异国他乡的您慰籍淡淡的乡愁。
- quasi contract share of residual claim 剩余分享
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- From the research of quasi?relative permeability curve in black liquor system, we can see that higher recovery factor can be obtained by black l. 从黑液体系的准相对渗透率曲线研究中可以看出,黑液体系驱油比水驱有更高的采收率。
- For years, crowds eager to enter the nexus of American democracy have had to wait in long lines snaking around the building's scrubby gardens. 长久以来,欲前往美国民主圣殿一睹风采的广大民众不得不在大厦的周围,蜿蜒曲折排队等候,尽管这些小路有些许矮灌木点缀。
- Some properties of quasi injective modules are complemented and some properties of quasi injective precovers and quasi injective covers are discussed. 对拟内射模的性质做了一些补充,并且对拟内射预盖及拟内射盖作了一些探讨。
- Ill-frequented by caravans of other nations due to the hard and dangerous route, the town is actually at a nexus of Dwarven underground thoroughfares. 由于道路险阻,他国的篷车不常通行,而本镇恰恰处在矮人的地下通道中心。
- Their acceptance of the contract is still in doubt. 他们是否接受那合同还说不准。
- In your latest books, the sense of menace has receded, and the prevailing atmosphere is one of quasi mathematical, geometric cheerfulness. 在你最近出版的书中,危机感有所减退,但是占主要地位的是一种类似数学的,几何学的快活。
- There is a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year. 06年6月6日是一个古怪、磨人的有关神学、数学和商业化的连结。