- nidran ampoule 注射用盐酸宁得朗
- The recommended dose in one ampoule ['mpul]. Give subcutaneously. 建议1次剂量为1安瓿,皮下注射给药。
- Blister: is a machine that makes the blister or ampoule with a mold. 用模具给物品起泡的机器?
- An ampoule of amyl nitrite or butyl nitrite used as a stimulant drug. 玻璃瓶用作兴奋剂的亚硝酸戊酯或亚硝酸丁酯的小玻璃药水瓶
- The recommended single dose is 1 ampoule, given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. 建议一次剂量为1安瓿,皮下,肌肉或静脉注射给药。
- Use the pruifying ampoule, antiseptic, calms sebaceous secretions, soothes irritations and purifies the skins. 采用特别针对性的精华素令皮肤有消炎杀菌,净化及平衡皮脂分泌,回复幼嫩肌肤。
- Hopefully they are now protected from further oxidation by the argon atmosphere inside the ampoule. 希望他们现在免遭进一步氧化,在充满氩气气氛安瓿内存。
- Use the desenitzing ampoule to soothes irritated, all epic skins and restores a healthy complexion. 采用特别增强皮肤感抵抗力的精华素,抒缓及修补敏感后对皮肤不适的感觉,有增强皮肤免疫及补水功能。
- But with BIOSWISS' Active Care system and intensive moisturizing ampoule treatments, this is not a problem. 但是用柏奥丝活性日间护理和全天候6安瓿修复护理,这些困难的问题就能迎刃而解!
- The results of sampling by using ampoule ball are better than that of sampling by using pipette. 安瓿球取样较移液管取样分析结果准确;
- Directions: 1 ampoule in the morning on an empty stomach in half a glass of hot water and lemon juice. 用法:将一支草药液溶于半杯热水或加入柠檬汁中早晨空腹服用,在12天的治疗过程中,每天至少喝1.;5升水并食用很多新鲜蔬菜。
- Place the CHEMet ampoule in the sample cup.Snap the tip by pressing the ampoule against the side of the cup. 将CHEMet针剂放入样品杯中,在样品杯壁上用力挤压将针剂末梢折断。
- Preparation: Injection, every ampoule 2 milliliter, contain evergreen total glucoside 2.2 milligram. 制剂:注射剂,每安瓿2毫升,含万年青总甙2.;2毫克。
- Biological and pharmaceutical primary packaging components, container, vial, ampoule, bottle, butyl rubber stopper, metal seal etc. 生物医药包装,容器,西林瓶,模子瓶,配件,丁基胶塞,铝盖。
- German Collagen Sheet and an Ampoule are utilized to thoroughly replenish and hydrate your skin , resulting in healthier and smoother eye skin . 功效:骨胶原旦白精华洁净皮肤同时淡化色素及补充失去水份。减退幼纹。令肌肤回复弹性,亮丽动人。
- One very important requisite is integrity packaging whether the company is producing a blister pack, vial, ampoule or pre-filled syringes. 一个非常重要的条件是完整包装,该公司是否是生产泡罩包装,瓶,安瓿或预填充注射器。
- Special ampoule filling positioning device makes ampoule position more simply, correct and more reliable for needle inserting. 灌装工位设计为特别的定位装置,瓶定位更简单、准确,灌针插入瓶口更可靠。
- When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 10ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by purified water. 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用纯水定容。
- When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HCl solution. 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用1%25盐酸定容。
- When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HCl solution. 临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用1%25盐酸定容。