- 泻药laxative
- 这是疗效很好的泻药。The medicine was an effective purge.
- 一付泻药a dose of salt
- 以大黄为主的泻药Gregory powder
- 无论在任何情况之下都不可以在睡觉前同时服用安眠药和泻药。Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
- 轻泻药deobstruent
- 猛 泻药drastic purgatives
- 泻药.purgative drug
- 猛泻药drastic purgatives
- 我去给你拿点咳嗽药(安眠药,泻药,安定药,止疼药)来。I'll go and get you some cough mixture(a sleeping pill, a laxative, a tranquilizer, a pain-killer).
- 泻药癖cathartic habit
- 剌激性泻药irritant cathartic
- 缓泻药laxative
- 剧泻药drastic
- 峻泻药drastic purgative
- 用泻药scour
- 用作泻药to act as a cathartic
- 复方泻药CC; compound cathartic
- 盐类泻药saline cathartic
- 利胆泻药cholagogic purgative