- night nursing supervisor 夜班总护士长
- The night nurse is/goes on at 7pm. 晚班护士7点钟上班。
- The night nurse and a guard greeted me at the door. 值夜班的护士和一个守卫在门口接待了我。
- The night nurse takes over at midnight. 夜班护士午夜接班。
- Nine nice night nurse nursed the children nicely. 九位友善的夜班护士愉快地照料孩子。
- Objective To discuss the potential risks in night nursing of obstetrical patients,improve the nursing safety,prevent errors and disputes and propose effective prevention measures. 目的探讨产科夜间护理存在的风险隐患,为提高护理安全提供有效的防范管理措施。
- rehabilitation nursing supervisor 康复管理护士
- Nothing about the night nurse provoked the actor's charm. 夜班护士毫无挑逗这位演员的风骚之处。
- Night Nurses'Paralysis: A New Phenomenon in Clinical Psychology? 夜班护士麻痹症状群:临床心理学的一种新现象?
- In hospitals, night nurses are making their usual rounds. 医院里;值夜班的护士正在例行查房.
- Therefore, the nursing supervisors must quest adapting the pathway of the subject developing in the practice, accelerating the subject developing. 因此,护理管理者必须在实践中寻求适应学科发展的路子,以促进学科发展。
- She is a night nurse. 她是值夜班的护士。
- The night nurse made her way down through what was technically her employer's house, an ugly, ostentatious one. 那位夜班护士走下这名义上属于她雇主的丑怪而浮华的房屋。
- Because of the absence, through illness, of a senior nurse, the night nurse on duty was junior and new. 一个老护士生病不在,值夜班的是一个年轻的新手。
- Naida started to cry, waking up, and saw the night nurse with her torch, walking through the dormitory. 奈妲开始哭,乍醒发现夜班护士正拿着手电巡视宿舍。
- I finally found Flossie, one of the night nurses, told her what was going on, and asked her to come with me downstairs. 最后我找着了晚间值班护士弗洛西,告诉了她发生的事情并叫她和我一起下楼去。
- AGENT MOSLEY: Why don't you get yourself a visual in the exterior window. The night nurse has been checking the boy every 20 minutes-- he's fine. 为什么你不在外面的窗户看看?夜班护士每20分钟检查一次那个男孩-他很好。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- It is practically a patient's birthright to complain about arrogant doctors, foul hospital food and the sadistic night nurse. 而实际上,抱怨傲慢的医生,恶心的医院食品,以及有虐待倾向的夜班护士是一名患者生而具有的权利。
- The soldier rigged up a shanty for a night's rest. 士兵们临时胡乱搭起了一间小屋过夜。