- Nine out of ten people prefer this model. 十个人中有九个都喜欢这个型号。
- Nine out of ten people will not agree with you. 十个人里面有九个不会同意你的意见。
- The highest mark in the test was nine out of ten. 这次测验最高分是。
- Nine out of ten families are gone. 十停儿人家去了九停儿。
- The worst form of the disease kills nine out of ten victims. 这种病的最严重的形式已导致十分之九的受害者死亡。
- Nine out of ten people said they would like to try the new product. 十个人当中有九个说他们愿意尝试这种新产品。道。
- Of those polled, nine out of ten said they preferred the new product. 百分之九十的被调查者说,他们喜欢新产品。
- Nine out of ten housewives interviewed about the product are satisfied with it. 在被采访的家庭主妇中,十有九人都对这种产品感到满意。
- If a man say money isn't the problem, nine out of ten is the money problem. 如果一个人说不是钱的问题,十有八王力宏最新动态九就是钱的问题。
- She summed up that sane consistent something existing in nine out of ten of the people Shelton knew. 她总括了谢尔顿所认识的十居八九的人们中那种稳健的言行一致。
- Yet,the truth is that nine out of ten times opportunity is right in your own backyard. 然而,事实是十之八九机会刚好就在你家的后院。
- Nine out of ten women who were interviewed about the product said they liked it. 十分之九被问及该产品的女性都说自己喜欢这种产品。
- Statistics shows that nine out of ten persons who die of lung cancer are smokers. 统计显示,十个死于肺癌的病者中,九个是吸烟者。
- Nine out of ten housewives who were interviewed about the product said they liked it. 关于这种产品,在接受采访的家庭主妇中十分之九的都说喜欢。
- No. Nine out of ten, our victims today are killed with assault rifles and small arms. Like yours. 不,今天十个战争受害者中有九个是死于自动步枪和小型武器,就象是你的。
- Stuttering normally originates in childhood and nine out of ten people who stutter are men. 口吃一般形成于童年时期,并且十之八九多为男性。
- Nine out of ten times, nevertheless, I would feel a tug on my heartstrings somewhere and shed tears. 这样深浓,这般诚挚,开天辟地的爱情呵!
- Nine out of ten, the result of argument is that both sides firmly believe themselves more correct than before. (Zhuangzi said "argument is vainness. 比时间流失更可怕的是机会的流失,比机会流失更可怕的是梦想和信心的流失。(应了那句教诲,一个人别人打不倒,只有自己倒。)
- Of the people near the frontier, nine out of ten died.Only because of this man's son's lameness, could father and son both be safe [secure]. 靠近边界上的人,死掉的有十分之九,只有这个摔断胯骨的儿子因为瘸了的缘故,父亲跟儿子能平安地生活在一块儿。
- In India, nine out of ten workers are in the informal sector, contributing 60% of net domestic product and 70% of income. 在印度,十个有九个人都是在非正式部门工作,他们创造了60%25的国内净产值和70%25的收入。