- nine thousand and nineteen (=9019) 九千零十九
- nine thousand eight hundred and nineteen (=9819) 九千八百一十九
- nine thousand five hundred and nineteen (=9519) 九千五百一十九
- nine thousand four hundred and nineteen (=9419) 九千四百一十九
- nine thousand nine hundred and nineteen (=9919) 九千九百一十九
- nine thousand one hundred and nineteen (=9119) 九千一百一十九
- nine thousand seven hundred and nineteen (=9719) 九千七百一十九
- nine thousand six hundred and nineteen (=9619) 九千六百一十九
- nine thousand three hundred and nineteen (=9319) 九千三百一十九
- Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Simeon, were fifty and nine thousand and three hundred. 被数的男丁,共有五万九千三百名。
- nine thousand two hundred and nineteen (=9219) 九千二百一十九
- Those that were numbered of them, [even] of the tribe of Simeon, [were] fifty and nine thousand and three hundred. Jumlah yang dicatat dari suku Simeon ada lima puluh sembilan ribu tiga ratus orang. 属西缅支派被数点的,有五万九千三百名。
- Six women and nineteen men make up the committee. 6位妇女和19位男的组成了这个委员会。
- They were doing the experiment in a thousand and one ways. 他们正千方百计地做试验。
- That'll be a hundred and nineteen dollars a night. 接待员:一个晚上一百一十九元。
- There are fifteen boys and nineteen girls. 男生有十五位。女生有十九位。
- The thousand and one emporiums patch and prink us. 许许多多大百货公司供应我们华丽的服装。
- These two things have a thousand and one links. 两件事情之间有着千丝万缕的联系。
- Everyone seems to have a thousand and one worries. 人人都好像有不少发愁的事。
- He has a thousand and one things to do. 他有无数的事情要做。