- "After one smaller kalpa, he becomes an Arhat. "过一小劫,成阿罗汉。
- Is it a kalpa or fate?Nobody knows that. 一切,不知是劫是缘。
- Sri Narada developed this spiritual consciousness even when he had his material body in the previous kalpa. 拿拉达在上一个创造周期里,当他还拥有他的物质躯体时,就培养了这一灵性知觉。
- At that time Maudgalyayana's mother obtained liberation from one kalpa of suffering as a hungry ghost. 是时目连其母;即于是日得脱一劫饿鬼之苦.
- "The Hindu idol, my dear Mac (name changed), don't you remember, the one they called the Kalpa Vigraha? “马克(化名),我亲爱的老伙计啊,我说的是那个印度铜像啊。
- According to our CIA source no.2 the Kalpa Vigraha has since been smuggled out of the United States to India. 按照我们这位第二知情人所提供的消息,那个“劫生”铜像早就被走私到了印度。
- Ken updated Mac with facts of the CIA's Kalpa Vigraha experiments that were not revealed to him earlier. 肯那天谈到的一些事情,连马克本人都是第一次听说,当时根本就不知情。
- Vessels were of many types Their construction is vividly described in the Yukti Kalpa Taru an ancient Indian text on Ship-building. 他们有很多建造类型的船,广泛地在古印度文献YuktiKalpaTaru的造船业部分描述。
- The avatar symbolizes the resurrection of the earth from a pralaya (deluge) and the establishment of a new kalpa (cycle), and can thus be considered to constitute a creation myth. 这个化身象征着大地从大洪水中复苏起来,确立一个新的时期(循环周期),从而可以被看作是一个创世神话的组成部分。
- Also present were Samantabhadra Bodhisattva,Manjushri Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva, and all the Bodhisattvas in the Worthy Kalpa who came together to this assembly. 又有普贤菩萨、文殊师利菩萨、弥勒菩萨,及贤劫中一切菩萨,皆来会集。
- The inside story of CIA experiments involving the Kalpa Vigraha as revealed to Mac was stuff that would rival even the fictional and immensely popular X-File TV serial. 马克所听到的这个关于CIA试验的内幕故事,即使最有想像力、最受大众欢迎的X-档案电视连续剧的情节,也相形见拙。
- All persons subjected to the Kalpa Vigraha experiment were expected to live very long lives, past the age of 100 at least, perhaps crossing 110 and even reaching the age of 120. 原来,所有喝过这种水的人都可能很长寿,至少要活到100岁以上,也可能超过110岁甚至会活到120岁。
- CIA's kalpa vigraha cell's job was, and still continues to be, to report back if a recipient of the charged water (wherever he or she was in the world) was alive. CIA专门设立的所谓“劫生项目工作室”的全部工作也不过是了解那些喝过那种水的受试者是否还活着而已,当然今后他们的工作内容还是如此。
- Practicing the Dharma of Kalachakra can help avoid wars disasters and kalpa and promote peace and harmony in a believer's inner mind so that the follower will be reborn in Shambhala (the pure land). 修持本尊可解脱过去、现在、未来的迷结,平息一切争端,促进和平与安宁,使风调雨顺,国泰民安,修行者直接往生香巴拉国。
- The Yukti Kalpa Taru gives sufficient information and date to prove that in ancient times, Indian shipbuilders had a good knowledge of the materials which were used in building ships. Yukti Kalpa Taru给了充分的资料去证明在古代,印度造船者已经对造船材料有良好的认识。
- The source, now long retired, with great-grandchildren playing around him, was unexpectedly informed one night by another retired agent of the CIA that the Kalpa Vigraha was "missing". 这个知情人,早就从CIA退休,如今已是儿孙满堂,当时正在和自己的曾孙子们一起玩耍。这天晚上,他当年的CIA同事打长途电话告诉他,那个“劫生”铜像已经不知落在何处了。
- Apart from describing the qualities of the different types of wood and their suitability in shipbuilding, the Yukti Kalpa Taru also gives an elaborate classification of ships based on their size. YuktiKalpaTaru除了描述了各种不同类型木材的质量和它们相配的船只之外,还以船的大小来对船作了精确的分类。
- The fire in the kalpa of destruction; also 劫尽火;劫焰;劫烧 v.;三灾
- samachi | bliss 法悦
- nirvi kalpa-samachi 不动心