- The nitric acid changed the cuticle of his mouth to a yellow color. 硝酸将他口腔里的护膜变成了一种黄颜色。
- nitric acid flow 硝酸流量
- Nitric acid forms hydrates with water. 硝酸与水形成水合物。
- Nitric acid molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds. 硝酸分子以氢键互相连结。
- Anhydrous nitric acid is dissociated. 无水硝酸是电离的。
- Silver azide does not dissolve in water or in nitric acid. 叠氨化银不溶于水或硝酸。
- Aliphatic hydrocarbons can be nitrated even with 13% nitric acid. 脂肪酸甚至能被13%25的硝酸硝化。
- Phenols and anilides can be nitrated with very dilute nitric acid. 酚类和酰基苯胺能被极稀的硝酸硝化。
- The Application of On-line Monitoring System to Nitric Acid Plant. 工业在线监控系统在硝酸厂的应用在硝酸厂中所起的功效。
- When nitric acid is poured on copper,a brown vapor gives off. 将硝酸倒在铜上,会散发出一种棕色的蒸气。
- When nitric acid is poured on copper, a brown vapor gives off. 将硝酸倒在铜上, 会散发出一种棕色的蒸气。
- The four methods for nitric acid offgas treatment are evaluated. 对4种硝酸尾气治理方法进行了评价。
- Aquatint:It is an etching process on copper or steel by means of nitric acid. 水彩色调:用硝酸在钢片或铜片上作腐蚀的蚀刻法。
- For female libido women a combination of all the herbs above can help women feel better and increase desire by improving mood, reducing stress, increasing nitric acid and improving blood flow generally. 女性性欲女结合所有上述草药能帮助女性更好地感受到渴望改善和提高;心情减轻压力;增加和改善血流硝酸普遍.
- This product is compound of nitric acid miconazole and clobetasol propionate. 本品为硝酸咪康唑与丙酸氯倍他索的复方制剂。
- Separation of the two components is accomplished by dissolving the frit in dilute nitric acid. 将玻璃料溶于稀硝酸中来完成两个组分的分离。
- Scientists believe that tiny ice crystals of nitric acid in Antarctica's upper atmosphere are directly involved. 科学家认为,南极上部大气圈内微小的硝酸冰晶也直接参与其中。
- Nitracidium and hydronitracidium nitrastes are present in concentrated nitric acid. 浓硝酸中有硝酸合氢和氢合硝酸合氢的硝酸盐存在。
- A problem related to nitrification is a drop in PH for the system due to the formation of nitric acid. 和硝化作用有关的一个问题就是由于生成硝酸而使系统内的PH值降低。