- The bulk weight and total flour extraction rate were more sensitve to nitrogen and phosphorus supply than 1000-grain weight. 氮磷水平与比例的提高,对各基因型千粒重的影响很小,却使容重显著降低,总出粉率普遍显著增加。
- however, the coat flour extraction rate of different genotypes vary dissimilarly with the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus supply. 千粒重、容重与各项出粉率受氮磷肥影响程度各基因型间呈现一定差异。
- A Research on the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Requirement of Thalassiosira sp. 对氮磷需求量的研究。
- nitrogen and phosphorus supply 氮磷肥
- The watershed's worst problem is nutrient pollution, which is caused by the overabundance of the nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. 分水岭面临更严重的问题,来自营养物的污染,这些营养物污染源自营养物质、和磷的过量排放。
- The high rate of nitrogen and phosphorus is unfavourable to the photosynthesis of the phytoplankton. 过高的氮磷比不利于浮游植物进行光合作用。
- Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural irrigation runoff in subsurface horizontal-flow wetland. 潜流水平湿地对农业灌溉径流氮磷的去除。
- Effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus level on growth and quality of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. 不同氮磷水平对北美海蓬子生长和品质的影响。
- However,removal efficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus in conventional oxidation ditches are low. 然而,传统的氧化沟工艺对氮和磷的去除效率较低。
- Two other low-input ways to improve the soil involve using manure or nitrogen and phosphorus as fertilizer. 还有两种低成本的方法可以改善土壤,包括施用粪肥或者氮肥、磷肥。
- The effects of growth medium, localized phosphorus supply and phosphorus sources on the formation of cluster roots and citrate exudation by Lupinus albus (Lupinus albus L. 在分根系统中,白羽扇豆的排根占根系干重的比例在局部供磷(羟基磷灰石)的土层中大量增加。
- Title: A Research on the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Requirement of Thalassiosira sp. 关键词:海链藻;培养基;氮;磷;生长速率
- The scientists then compared how much nitrogen and phosphorus were available in the soil. 然后科学家将土壤中有用的氮磷物质的含量进行了对比。
- Chlorella pyrenoidosa was immobilized by calcium alginate and used to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater. 采用海藻酸钙对蛋白核小球藻进行固定,并用于去除污水中的氮磷。
- Studies on the ability of Hydrodictyon reticulatum to remove nitrogen and phosphorus under different environmental condition. 在不同环境条件下对氮磷的吸收能力。
- Manure or nitrogen and phosphorus as fertilizer. And the fifth way that the study found may improve sorghum production is to reduce crop tillage. 另外两种低投入的改良土壤方法是用粪肥、氮和磷作为肥料,研究发现的第五种方法是减少作物耕种可以改善高粱的产量。
- Algae, algal bloom Proliferation of algae due to excessive release of nitrogen and phosphorus (e. G. From fertilizer runoff or detergents). 藻类;藻类繁盛由于氮和磷(例如肥料和洗涤用品)的过度排放而引起的藻类大量生长。
- The results show as follows: (1) Elodea nattalii and Hydrilla verticillata have strong capacity of purification on nitrogen and phosphorus , etc. 在实验室条件下.;对伊乐藻及轮叶黑藻净化养鱼污水的能力进行了比较研究。
- The released nitrogen and phosphorus by surface runoff from uplands in the Taihu Lake catchment were investigated in a case study. 采用田间试验方法,研究了太湖地区旱地氮磷向水体排放的年负荷。
- The performance of the CMASPFT in biological removals of nitrogen and phosphorus was studied under 3 sludge reflux ratio(SRR). 介绍了多点交替进水五箱一体式工艺的流程与特点,研究了不同污泥回流比下反应器对氮、磷的去除效果。