- The nm23 gene is a conspicuous metastasis suppressor gene. The authors detected both nm23 H 1 and nm23 H 2 mRNA levels in 47 tissues samples of patients with carcinoma of buccal mucosa (CBM) by quantitative reverse transcription PCR amplification. 采用定量逆转录多聚酶链反应(Q-RT-PCR)技术检测nm23-H1和nm23-H2mRNA在47例组织标本中的表达情况,发现nm23-H1和nm23-H2mRNA在颊癌原发灶、癌旁粘膜、正常颊粘膜、颌下腺、白斑、正常淋巴结和有转移的淋巴结中均有不同程度的表达。
- Expression of nm23 Gene and ER in Endometrial Carcinoma 子宫内膜癌中nm23基因及雌激素受体的表达
- Effect of Tobacco smoke on NM23 gene product/NDPK Expression of AFB_1-Induced Precancerous Cells in Mouse Liver 黄曲霉素B_1诱致小鼠肝脏癌前病变中的nm23基因表达
- Lin LX, Zhou QH,Qing Y,et al.Northern blot analysis of nm23 gene expression in human lung cancer. Chinese Journal of Cancer Res.1999,11(3),188 肺癌癌变、侵袭转移的分子机理;肺癌筛查及分子诊断;肺癌基因工程疫苗及基因治疗;中晚期肺癌外科治疗方法改进;肺癌多学科综合治疗新理论与新技术
- nm23 gene nm23
- The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
- Half of the people who inherit the gene express it. 半数有这种遗传基因的人,皆显示出其影响
- Objective:To evaluate the relationship of ?nm23?H1? gene and lymph node metastasis in colorectal carcinoma. 目的:探讨nm23?H1与大肠癌淋巴结转移的关系。
- Now the variant of each gene is called an allele. 每一种基因的变化就叫做等位基因。
- We know a lot about the structure of gene now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- A single gene may have many effects. 单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
- There can be more than two alleles for a gene. 一个基因可能有两个以上的等位基因。
- A mutable organism; a mutable gene. 一个易变的生物;一个易变的基因
- nm23 genes nm23
- Gene Shepard: That was a 35 dollar belt! 吉恩·谢帕德:那地方可值35美元呢!
- Gene Shepard: That was a35 dollar belt! 吉恩·帕德:那地方可值35美元呢!
- You also owe a nod to your leptin gene. 你还要赞美你的leptin基因。
- Oncogene: Gene that can cause cancer. 致癌基因: 能够导致恶性肿瘤的基因。
- Can the gene be fixed with gene therapy? 这种基因能用基因疗法治疗吗?
- Gene: Gee, she's made quite a mess. Naughty niece! 金:啊,她把东西弄得乱七八糟。这甥女真顽皮!