- He talk so much that no one else can get a word in edgeways. 他讲得滔滔不绝,别人都无法插嘴。
- Since there is no one else in the compartment I am able to spread myself. 车厢间隔里没有别人,我正好能伸胳膊伸腿舒坦一下。
- Since there was no one else in the compartment I was able to spread myself. 车厢间隔里没有别人,我正好能伸胳膊伸腿舒坦一下。
- No one else's luggage was opened. 没有其他人的行李被打开了。
- Whisper so that no one else will hear. 轻声说话,别让人听到。
- As she spoke,no one else could hear her voice. 她开口说话了,可其他人却听不到她的声音。
- No one else deserves a bigger thank than you. 没有人比您更值得如此深切的感激。
- Respect yourself,or no one else will respect you. 人必自重,而后人重之。
- She whisper to me so no one else will hear. 她低声跟我说话以免别人听见。
- I only saw Mary,ie I saw Mary and no one else. 我只看见玛丽了(没看见其他人)。
- R-yourself, or no one else will. [谚]人必自敬, 然后人敬之。
- No one else deserves a bigger thank you than you. 没有人比您更值得如此深切的感激。
- She whispered to me so no one else would hear. 她低声跟我说话以免别人听见。
- Because no one else is in the contest of being you. 因为你就是你,无人与你竞争。
- There's no one else you're the only for me. 除了你,我谁都不要。
- If I could not make him, no one else could. 如果我不能说服他,也就没有人能够说服他。
- If I go alone, no one else will be hurt. 如果我离开,其他人就不会受到伤害了。
- No one else will know that part of me. 没有人将知道这是我身体的一部分。
- No one else will know these lonely dreams. 没有人将知道这些梦魇的孤寂。
- No one else will trave through the shadows with me. 任何人都无法和我在一起在阴影中漫游。