- no phase transformation alloy 无相变合金
- No phase transition evidence is found. 没有发现任何相位跃迁的证据。
- no phase transformation steel 无相变钢
- The phase transformation and the microstructure evolution process within ASB in TC16 alloy were explained. 讨论了TC16中绝热剪切带内的相变规律和微观结构演化过程。
- The first order phase transformation in the samples made of commercial Gd was destroyed by impurities, and no giant magnetocaloric effect was found. 发现采用商业级钆配制合金时,由于杂质抑制了材料的一级相变,未发现巨磁热效应。
- The DSC measurement showed that the synthesis of a nanostructured surface layer had influence on the phase transformation of the 7A04 aluminum alloy. 差示扫描量热法(DSC)测试结果表明表面纳米晶层的形成对7A04铝合金材料的相变产生了一定的影响。
- As a result, it provides basis for studying phase transformation from pearlite to austenite in low carbon alloy steel after high pressure treatment. 所得结果为研究低碳合金钢经高压处理后组织中珠光体向奥氏体转变提供一定的参考数据。
- The dislocation density is very low in the ASB, adjacent matrix granulas are highly dislocated. No evidence of a phase transformation within the ASB is observed. ASB内位错密度均很低,其邻近基体区含有高密度位错,ASB内没有察到相变发生
- The intensity of phase transformation subsides as the cycle number increases. 且随著循环次数的增加,相变化发生的强度会降低。
- The phase transformation of the silica occurs during the treatment wit... 热爆裂处理过程伴随有二氧化硅粉体的晶型转化。
- At last the laser beam with simple aberration, such as no phase aberration and low order Zernike phase aberration, is analyzed. 最后,对无相位畸变和存在低阶泽尼克相位畸变情况下的简单畸变光束进行了相应的分析讨论。
- Memory alloy is a very rules of atomic arrangement, size becomes less than 0.5% of the martensitic transformation alloy. 记忆合金是一种原子排列很有规则、体积变为小于0.;5%25的马氏体相变合金。
- The results show that the isothermal phase transformation of Ti-B19 alloy is the process of nucleation and growth, controlled by long range diffusion, and can be described by JMA equation. 结果表明,在试验温度范围内,Ti-B19合金的等温相变为长程扩散控制的形核与长大过程,可以用JMA方程进行描述。
- Simply inputting one pulse on the STEP input drives the motor one microstep.There are no phase sequence tables, high frequency control lines, or complex interfaces to program. 每次给步进电机一个脉冲信号,电机就会动作一步(整步,半步,四分之一步,八分之一步还是十六分之一步取决于两个逻辑输入)。
- This new SMO can decrease the high frequency ripple of the back EMF (Induced Electromotive Force), has the advantage of no phase delay, and can simplify the structure of the SMO. 该滑模观测器能够减小估算反电势中的纹波,且不产生信号相位差,并较传统的滑模观测器结构简单。
- Phase transformation from austenite to martensite in NiTi alloy strips under uniaxial tension has been observed in experiments and has been numerically simulated as a localized deformation. 单向拉伸镍钛合金带中从奥氏体到马氏体的相变已在实验中观测到,并被看作为局部变形进行了数值模拟。
- This paper studied the actuating effects of the shape memory alloy wires eccentrically embedded in the barn on the deformation of fiber reinforced polymer beam during phase transformation. 摘要著重研究了形状记忆合金偏心埋置于树脂复合材料梁/板后,合金在逆相变过程中对梁弯曲变形的驱动效应。
- It can be concluded that the temperature is the primary parameter influencing the phase transformation of MnO2. 因此,MnO2晶型转变的主要影响条件是温度。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Mineral phase transformation during sintering is an important factor influencing the ceramics performance. 烧结过程中的物相变化是影响陶瓷性能的控制性因素。