- No delay! We urgently need these books. 决不要拖延!我们急需这些书。
- The overhauling of the lathe allows of no delay. 这台车床非马上检修不可。
- There must be no delay in forwarding the goods. 发送货物不得延误。
- The situation admits of no delay. 情况紧急不容耽误。
- Be quick, everybody! It admits of no delay. 各位,快一点!刻不容缓。
- No delay expected your arrival Guangzhou time. 不要延误到达广州的时间。
- The work permits of no delay. 这项工作不能耽搁。
- It is a matter that admits of no delay. 这是刻不容缓的事情。
- The overhauling of the engine permits of no delay. 这引擎非马上检修不可。
- The situation admits of no delay . 情况紧急不容耽误。
- The situation permits of no delay. 形势不允许耽搁了。
- This task permits (of) no delay. 这项任务不允许有任何耽搁。
- The situation allows of no delay. 情况不容许有任何延误。
- Studying and working out new strategy for thedevelopment of Tangshan foreign trade is now a task that brooks no delay. 因此,研究唐山出口贸易发展的新战略已刻不容缓。
- These discussions caused no delay or indecision in our actions. 这些讨论并没有使我们的行动延迟或犹豫不决。
- Early debate over sensitive issues can be divisive and can delay work on more productive aspects. 早期對敏感議題的爭議可能會耽延較具建設性的部分。
- With no delay will the goods be shipped to our clients. 我们决不会延误把货运给客户。
- It is high time that this Party was rectified; there can be no delay. 这个党该抓了,不抓不行了。
- In the sinusoidal systems, active current detecting is real-time with no delay. 当电压电流无畸变并平衡时,测量有功电流无过渡过程,是实时精确的;
- Descend to 4000 feet, QNH 1001, no delay for ILS approach runway 31. 下降至4000英尺,标准气压1001毫巴,盲降进近不要延误跑道31号。