- This thesis disucsses the non static electricity of inductive electro motive force,and illustrates some actions of electromagnetic induction. 电磁感应是电磁学中的重要内容,本文就感应电动势的非静电场力作一些讨论,并说明在电磁感应中洛仑兹力做功的情况。
- Resemble commanding Wei bavin motive force. 就像指挥潍柴动力。
- Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load. 从空载到满载转速降一般为两赫兹。
- Thus, as a certain kind of motive force for art composition, it’s no wonder that narcissism is a common tendency among artist. 因而艺术家具有某种程度上的"自恋倾向"是不足为怪的,它甚至可以被视为艺术创造的某种动力。
- Invalid static SUBCASE that has no load or enforced displacement. 一般从out文件查找error的位置,都能发现原因。
- The people are the motive force in the making of world history. 人民是创造世界历史的动力。
- Only then can we have the motive force to go forward. 只有这样我们才有前进的动力。
- Necessary motive force is one horsepower of total amount (73 horsepowers) . 所需动力马力总数(73马力)。
- Welcome to the English bar! Your arrival will become our motive force! 欢迎来到英文酒吧!您的到来将成为我们的动力!
- The goernor must hae proision for adjusting speed( generator frequency) and speed droop( no load to full load). 调速器必须具备转速调整(电机频率)降速降调整(负荷到满负荷)能。
- Wdnchou Zhengda Bearing Co.,Ltd. specially produce ZD Brand Bearing, which has the features of long life, high precision,low moment of motive force,low noise and no unusual sounds. 低噪音,无异常声的“ZD”牌轴承,公司愿与国内外朋友共同合作,携手拼进共创辉煌。
- The governor must have provision for adjusting speed( generator frequency) and speed droop( no load to full load). 调速器必须具备转速调整(电机频率)降速降调整(负荷到满负荷)能。
- The pivot and race surfaces were true surface of revolution and were correctly centred when no load was applied. 轴枢和套圈的表面是准确的旋转表面,并在未施加载荷正确对中。
- Therefore the whole middle peasantry can be a reliable ally of the proletariat and is an important motive force of the revolution. 因此,全部中农都可以成为无产阶级的可靠的同盟者,是重要的革命动力的一部分。
- The pivot and race surfaces were true surface of revolution and were correctly centered when no load was applied. 轴枢和套圈的表面是准确的旋转表面,并在未施加载荷正确对中。
- A strong motive forces one to surmount many difficulties. 强烈的动机可以驱使人超越 诸多困境。
- No load fund Money market fund that does not charge a fixed fee commission to investors. 无佣金基金,不收手续费的基金不向投资者收取手续费的货币市场基金。
- The vast rural consumer market will become a strong motive force to promote China's economic growth. 广大农村消费市场将成为中国经济的强劲动力源之一。
- Noise level: The noise level of YU series motors operation at no load is lower than the values shown in the Table. 噪声:电动机空载运转时的噪声不超过下表的数值。
- What are the Motive Forces of Economic Growth at Present in China? 我国目前经济增长的动力何在?