- There's no mechanism for changing the decision. 没有办法改变这一决定。
- There is no mechanism for changing the decision. 没有办法改变这一决定。
- There is no mechanism for transfering fund from one department to another. 基金无法从一部门转移至另一部门。
- There are no mechanisms for transferring funds from one department to another. 基金无法从一部门转移至另一部门。
- The Soviet system is unstable politically; it has no mechanism for succession. 苏维埃制度在政治上是不稳定的;它没有接班的制度。
- At present there is no mechanism for qualifying or penalizing Web services. 目前还没有对Web服务进行鉴定和惩罚的机制。
- The most mechanical reaction to suffering is negative emotions. 对于痛苦最机械的反应是负面情绪。
- No compression, no mechanical part, no noise. 无压缩机,无机械运动部件,完全无噪音。
- There are no mechanisms for changing the decision. 这个决定是无法改变的。
- There is no mechanism to unload a domain-neutral assembly other than shutting down the entire process. 除了关闭整个进程,没有机制可以卸载非特定于域的程序集。
- There is no mechanism which use to mix in the tumbling box, so the purge for the mixed color. 桶内无搅拌桨设计,混合色粉清洗更方便。
- These clients have no mechanism for dealing with an object whose location is not fixed. 这些客户端没有相应的机制来处理位置不固定的对象。
- "The toll tax is increasing day by day and there is no mechanism to check how the toll tax is levied," he said. “高速公路收取的通行费天天都在上涨,而且没有任何机制来检查这些通行费到底是怎么征收的。
- Theretofore they’d had no mechanism for such a resolution, so they made a decision. 不论如何,使徒都必须解决此一问题。
- The RAND Corporation report says the major flaw in such peace deals is that there is no mechanism to enforce them. 兰德公司的报告说,这种和平协定的主要缺陷在于没有贯彻这种协定的机制。
- Momutator should be glabrous correctitude columnar, no mechanism damage or burn sign exist. 1换向器应是呈正圆柱形光洁的表面,不应有机械损伤和烧焦的痕迹。
- This approach lowers turnover but has no mechanism by which top performers can be recognized and rewarded. 这种方法可以降低流动率,但是无从表扬和奖励表现优异的个别员工。
- In present-day e-commerce, there is no mechanism that allows one business to discover automatically the services that its prospective partners offer. 在当今的电子商务中,尚不存在一种机制,使一个业务能自动发现其预期伙伴提供的服务。
- It should conform to the specifications in Table 1. No mechanical damage. 符合表1规定无机械损伤。
- The original points are converted to cubic Bzier control points internally, therefore there is no mechanism for returning the original points. 原始点在内部转换成立方贝塞尔控制点,因此没有返回原始点的机制。