- A no Tillage Cultivation System with High Yield and Environment-protecting Functions 一种兼有增产和环保作用的耕作制度
- Zhang H C, Dai Q G, Huang X X.Principles and Techniques of High Yield Cultivation in Wheat and Barely with Minimum or no Tillage. 张洪程;戴其根;黄细喜.;麦类少免耕高产栽培技术及理论
- Therefore, it is concluded that magnesium does not require special attention under no tillage. 所以,在免耕制下,不必对镁的状况给予特别的关注。
- Nitrate leaching, although slightly higher under no tillage, is generally not a major pathway of loss in summer crops. 实施免耕的初期,氮的生物固定明显,但随着时间的推延,这种作用逐渐消失,以至到了后期,与初期的情况正好相反。
- Denitrification, on the other hand, can be very serious with a combination of no tillage and imperfectly drained soils. 硝态氮的淋失虽然在免耕制下稍高一些,但在夏季作物上,一般不是氮损失的主要途径。
- Typically, magnesium levels in soils under no tillage do not change materially from those under conventional tillage. 免耕和传统耕作制相比,土壤中镁的含量没有实质的变化。
- Application of phosphorus fertilizer to no tillage cropping systems appears to be complicated by the fact that it cannot be incorporated. 免耕耕作制下磷肥的施用似乎很复杂,因为此时无法将磷肥和土壤掺混。
- Immobilization effects are notable in the early years of no tillage, but with time they tend to disappear and even reverse themselves. 在所有作物上液氨都必须和土壤掺混(在条施时必须把缝隙封好)。
- cotton of no - tillage cultivation by direct seeding 直播棉
- Returning to the analogy of no tillage as a sort of artificial sod, one might ask how to fertilize a sod with phosphorus. 免耕类似于人工草地情况,我们不禁会问,在草地上怎样施有磷肥的呢?
- While no detailed information is available, it can be stated that minor element deficiencies are never worse under no tillage compared to conventional tillage. 虽然目前对这一问题没有详细研究资料,但是我们可以说,和传统耕作制相比,免耕制下的微量元素缺乏不会更严重。
- Summarizing phosphorus fertilization under minimum and no tillage, it can be said that surface broadcast applications generally work very well in terms of plant uptake and for maintaining adequate soil levels of available soil phosphorus. 综上所述,免耕制和少耕制下磷肥的施用,从植物吸收的角度和从维持足够有效水平的角度来考虑,地表撒施一般效果很好。
- Cultivation situation, problem and countermeasures of Chinese rapes with no tillage and direct sowing 中国油菜免耕直播栽培现状、问题及对策分析
- Plot test of no tillage and seedling -broadcast cultivation of rice with different leaf age 免耕稻不同叶龄抛栽小区试验研究
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- A no tillage sowing unit for wheat covered with whole maize straw 玉米整秸覆盖小麦全免耕播种作业机组
- no tillage sowing and fertilizer applicator on ridge culture 垄作免耕播种施肥机
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。
- No - tillage cultivation 免耕栽培
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。