- The photographer reports that the display was like a noctilucent cloud storm, one of the best he's ever witnessed. 摄影师说当时仿佛有一场夜光云风暴席卷而来,这是他见过的最漂亮的夜光云。
- Noctilucent clouds were first observed in 1885 by an amateur astronomer. 1885年,一位业余天文学爱好者最早观察到夜光云。
- Latitudinal dependence of noctilucent cloud growth 夜光云生长的经向依赖
- Noctilucent clouds are ragged extensions of a more widespread and more permanent layer which forms over the summer polar area at the mesopause. 夜光云是在夏季极地中圈顶之上形成的更广泛更持久的层的参差不齐的延伸。
- Although noctilucent clouds are thought to be composed of small ice-coated particles, much remains unknown about them. 尽管夜光云被认为是由细小的冰晶组成,但是很多关于云层的细节仍未知。
- Recent evidence indicates that at least some noctilucent clouds result from freezing water exhaust from Space Shuttles. 最近有线索表明,至少部分夜光云是由航天飞机上排出的水蒸气结冰所导致的。
- Noctilucent clouds are a fundamentally new phenomenon in the temperate mid-latitude sky, and it’s not clear why they’ve migrated down from the poles. 夜光云是温带中纬度地区天空出现的新现象,以前很少见。
- The recent observations of noctilucent clouds at all kinds of latitudes provide an extra impetus to understand what is going on up there. 最近在各种纬度进行的夜光云观察,提供了了解天上发生着什么的特别动力。
- Under usual circumstances, a pretty sunset might be visible, but unusual noctilucent clouds float so high up they can be seen well after dark. 在一般的情况下,所见到的是美丽的晚霞,不过如果高空有云,在天黑很久之后,可以见到罕见的夜光云。
- Pictured above last week, a network of noctilucent clouds cast an eerie white glow after dusk, beyond a local field near Potsdam, Germany. 上图所示的就是上周在德国波茨坦市附近的田野上方,一大片网状的夜光云投射出一层怪异的白色辉光。
- This impressive 360 degree panorama made from 34 separate images captures an impressive display of noctilucent clouds all over the sky. 这幅360度全景图由34幅独立图片合成,拍摄到了整个天空华美的夜光云,可谓震撼人心。
- Caption:: Noctilucent clouds is the name "night-shinning clouds" in Latin, as its name suggest, it glow in electric bluw in deep twilight. 夜光云属于罕有的大气现象,首次于1885年被发现,顾名思义,是一层在夜间发光的云。
- People first spotted the noctilucent clouds a few years after the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa super-volcano in Indonesia created spectacular sunsets from ash in the atmosphere. 人类首次观察到夜光云是在印度尼西亚的喀拉喀托超大火山1883年爆发数年之后,当时,剧烈上升的火山灰造成了壮观的日落天象。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- One of these missions, a satellite called Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, or AIM, was launched in April to study so-called noctilucent clouds (depicted above), the highest layer of clouds in the atmosphere. 任务其一,今年4月该局发射了一颗名为“中层大气高空冰探测”(简称AIM)的卫星以研究所谓的夜光云(如上图所示)-这是大气层中最高处的云层。
- A cloud is a condensation of water vapour. 云是由水蒸汽凝缩而成的。
- Electric field measurements in noctilucent clouds 夜光云系的电场测量
- There are several kinds of cloud formations. 云层的构成方式有好几种。
- The couple seemed to be on cloud nine. 那对夫妇看上去极其幸福。
- The sun disappeared behind a cloud. 太阳消失在一片云后面。