- Although a relatiely common lesion, nodular fasciitis is underreported in the radiology literature. 虽然结节性筋膜炎是相对常见的病变,但在影像学文献中报道不多。
- On sonography, nodular fasciitis has been described as oal or lobulated, isoechoic, or with mixed areas of isoechogenicity and hypoechogenicity. 在超声上,结节性筋膜炎表现为椭圆形或分叶状的等回声或等回声与强回声混合区。
- Nodular fasciitis is a common benign proliferative fibroblastic tumor in the limbs of adults, but rare in the head and neck of children. 摘要结节性筋膜炎是一种由纤维母细胞增生所形成的良性肿瘤,多发生于成人的四肢,而少见于孩童的头颈部。
- Six cases of nodular fasciitis and 1 case of proliferative myositis showed spontaneous resolution following diagnosis by FNAC. 有6例结节性筋膜炎及1例增生性肌炎临床自行消退。
- Sonography was also performed in 2 of 6 patients with nodular fasciitis of the head and neck in a series described by Shin et al. Shin等报道的6例发生于头颈部的结节性筋膜炎中的2例也做了超声检查。
- Methods To review the FNAC features and clinical courses of 10 cases of nodular fasciitis,1 case of proliferative fasciitis and 1 case of proliferative myositis. 方法:总结10例结节性筋膜炎,1例增生性筋膜炎,1例增生性肌炎的针吸细胞学改变及临床经过。
- To the best of our knowledge, our case is the only report of nodular fasciitis in the upper extremity, the site most frequently inoled, where sonography was performed. 据我们所知,我们所报道的结节性筋膜炎是仅有的发生于上肢的病例,这一部位是最易累及的部位,并做了超声检查。
- Een fewer descriptions of the sonographic features of nodular fasciitis exist, usually brief and incidentally stated with reference to the MRI findings. 而关于结节性筋膜炎的超声特点的描述更少,通常只作为MRI表现的参考而顺便简要的叙述一下。
- To be considered in the differential diagnosis of nodular fasciitis are seeral other soft tissue tumors arising from fat, muscle, neres, connectie tissue, and blood essels. 结节性筋膜炎的鉴别诊断要考虑到其他起源于脂肪、肌肉、神经、结蒂组织和血管的几种软组织肿瘤。
- As described below, we report a case of a patient with nodular fasciitis who underwent extensie imaging including sonography and MRI and describe the imaging features of this disease process. 下面我们报道了一个结节性筋膜炎的病例,病人做了很多影像学检查,包括超声和MRI,并对病变过程的图像特征进行了描述。
- We present a case of nodular fasciitis affecting the middle scalene muscle in a 13-year-old girl.No evidence of recurrence was found over 12 months of follow-up after surgical excision. 本病例是发生于1名13岁女孩的中斜角肌结节性筋膜炎,经手术切除后,恢复情形良好,踪迄今12个月无复发迹象。
- At the periphery, nodular fasciitis generally contains many capillaries and often inflammatory cells, which could histologically account for the peripheral enhancement pattern seen in this case. 在结节性筋膜炎的周围通常包含许多毛细血管和炎性细胞,这也在组织学上解释了本病例中周围增强的结构。
- A Case of Nodular Fasciitis in Lower Chin Area 少见的颏下区结节性筋膜炎
- In patients with a solitary, rapidly growing, sometimes painful, well-defined, isoechoic to hypoechoic nodule with increased ascularity in the upper extremity, the possibility of nodular fasciitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis. 如果病人上肢出现单发的、生长迅速、有时出现疼痛、边界清晰、等回声到低回声、血流增多的结节,在鉴别诊断时应该考虑到结节性筋膜炎的可能。
- Keywords nodular fasciitis;soft tissue sarcoma;misdiagnosis; 关键词结节性筋膜炎;软组织肉瘤;误诊;
- An analysis of clinicopathology of the nodular fasciitis in the oral maxillofacial region(with report of 3 cases) 口腔颌面部结节性筋膜炎临床病理分析(附3例报告)
- Nodular Fasciitis: A Clinicopathologic Study of 201 Cases and Review of the Literature 结节性筋膜炎201例临床病理分析
- nodular fasciitis 结节性筋膜炎,小结状筋膜炎
- fibromatoid nodular fasciitis 纤维瘤样型结节性筋膜炎