- noise to power ratio 噪声功率比
- Reduce noise to power supply, with obvious effect of energy-saving. 电网干扰小,节能效果明显。
- His rise to power was very rapid. 他很快掌握了大权。
- His rise to power was very sudden. 他的掌权很令人意外。
- Three years later, he came to power. 三年後他上台掌权了。
- They were making enough noise to awaken the dead. 他们发出的声音大得能把死人吵醒。
- The thieves made enough noise to wake the dead. 窃贼弄出很大的响声。
- Witness compared the noise to thunder. 证词说这声音像打雷一样。
- He kept still,listening for any more noise to come. 他保持一动也不动,用心听是不是还会有什么声音。
- So you need to power up your lymph system. 因此你需要增强淋巴系统的功能。
- They are making enough noise to wake the dead. 他们喧闹的声音让人心都烦!
- They were making enough noise to wake the dead. 他们喧闹的声音让人心烦。
- The town was blacked out due to power failure. 这个城镇由于停电变得一片漆黑。
- Witness compared the noise to thunder . 证词说这声音像打雷一样。
- The village was blacked out due to power failure. 这个村庄由于停电而一片漆黑。
- The FPD contributes electronic noise to the image. FPD对图像带来电子噪声。
- Now tell me why we cling to power. 现在请告诉我,我们要坚持当权的‘原因’。
- He made a noise to the manager about the bad service at the hotel. 他因旅馆的服务差向经理提出不满。
- The party came to power at the last election. 这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。
- They are hoping to return to power. 他们希望重掌政权。