- In recording, pertaining to illegally produced material. (磁)记录技术中,用于修饰或说明非法复制的材料。比较copyright。
- The initiative control of the noise producing by axial flow ventilator is investigated in experiment environment. 在实验室环境研究轴流式通风机噪声的主动控制问题。
- One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness. 常常有人这样断言,噪音引起精神
- The influence of structure-borne noise producing by the thickness of cabinet is disgusted, providing a good basis for the optimize design of outdoor cabinet of air conditioning. 在此基础上讨论了机箱板厚对噪声辐射特性的影响,为空调机箱的优化设计提供了可靠的基础。
- P rocessing quatity is big and it can produce material circularly. 连续工作处理量大;可循环均质出料.
- This can be especially useful when producing material that is accessible to those for whom display on a screen is not useful, such as blind or partially sighted people. 对于盲人或弱视群体来说,将资料输出到显示器上对他们来说毫无效果,这种情况下,样式表就非常有用。
- A rumbling noise produced by the movement of gas through the intestines. 腹鸣气体通过肠道的运动而产生的辘辘声
- It seems as if it was fair,because in socialistic country,producing material et al belongs to country ,anyone who can get is only the residue after dividing all kinds of social common funds. 这在表面上看似乎是公平的,因为在社会主义条件下,生产资料等要素收入归国家所有,居民只能获得在扣除各项社会基金之后的劳动剩余,这使居民间收入分配差距缩小。
- The selected teeth-type belt transmission used for this machine to reduce the noise produced form the driving. 整机传动采用同步带轮传动方式,使设备在高速运行和停止时平稳,同时可消除机器的寸动现象及噪音。
- First: Labour employed in producing materials, on which industry is to be afterwards employed. 第一,用于生产原料的劳动,这些原料是工业以后要使用的。
- The noise produced by air supply unit will influence the normal usage of the lab. 机组产生的噪声会影响实验室正常使用。
- First: Labour employed in producing materials,on which industry is to be afterwards employed. 第一,用于生产原料的劳动,这些原料是工业以后要使用的。
- This thesis proposes a passive noise suppressor to suppress the noise produced by switched power supplies. 中文摘要本论文旨在研制一组被动式杂讯抑制器,用以抑制切换式电源供应器所造成之传导杂讯。
- Our company introduces advanced abroad machinery equipment, and produces material. 本公司引进先进的国外机械设备、和生产材料。
- This company is specialized in producing materials intermediate of antiphlogistic and anodyne. 本公司作为非甾体抗炎镇痛药原料中间体的专业生产厂家,随着市场的不断开拓,我们的产量不断扩大,品种日益增多;
- Passive systems consist simply of receiving sensors that pick up the noise produced by the target (such as a submarine or torpedo). 无源声纳系统仅具有接收目标(如舰船、潜艇或水雷)所发噪音的接收传感器。
- Usage:sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the main producing materials of synthetic detergent. 用途:三聚磷酸钠是合成洗涤剂的主要生产原料之一。
- The noise produced when diamond saws cutting is a serious pollution to our environment and is also harmful to the health of handlers. 金刚石锯片切割产生的噪音对周围的环境产生相当大的污染,并有害于操作者的健康。
- We can produce material board,column,chop axstone,mushroom stone and step stone etc.of 20 thousands of square meters per year. 年生产石板材、圆柱、剁斧石、蘑菇石、台阶石等 20万平方米。
- In the course of drilling, mining and deposition of hear producing materials in the subsurface, the original natural geothermal field is disturbed. 在钻井,采矿和发热物质的地下深积的过程中,原始的天然地热场受到了扰动。