- She is the people's choice for Prime Minister. 她是人民选出来的首相。
- She is the people' s choice for Prime Minister. 她是人民选出来的首相。
- Jennifer Heil for prime minister, anyone? 恐怕我们的总理也讲不出这样的话。
- nomination for prime minister 总理提名
- Some of them are even proposing to name their own candidate for prime minister. 其中一些人甚至表示,要提名他们自己的首相候选人。
- UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal has filed his nomination for the post of Prime Minister at the parliament secretariat Sunday morning. 5月23日晨,联合马列领导人尼帕尔作为总理候选人向议会作了登记。
- The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder spent a day on the campaign trail with the BJP's candidate for prime minister, LK Advani. BBC记者SanjoyMajumder跟随人民党总理候选人阿德瓦尼度过了一天的竞选之旅。
- The Prime Minister was not available for comment. 首相无暇作出评论。
- Fukuda was serving as chief Cabinet secretary at the time for Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who is divorced. 福田在小泉纯一郎任日本首相期间担任内阁官房长官,而小泉首相当时已经离婚。
- Officially, the reason for Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawara's trip through his rural political stronghold is to publicize his anti-poverty programs. T总理视察其乡村政治要塞的官方原因是要推广他的脱贫计划。
- Our Prime Minister is unwearied to work for people. 我们的总理孜孜不倦地为人民工作。
- President Putin revealed his surprise nominee for prime minister during a meeting with leaders of the State Duma on Monday. 星期一,普京总统与国家杜马领导开会时向外界透露这位令人感到意外的总理人选。
- Who will get the nomination for president? 谁将获得总统提名?
- Mark Regev a spokesman for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says terrorist attacks like the one Thursday evening do not help the peace process. 以色列总理奥尔默特的发言人瑞格夫说,类似星期四晚间发生的恐怖袭击无助于和平进程。
- Troops and police joined firefighters in the rescue work, said Abul Kalam Azad, spokesman for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 军队和警察也加入到消防人员的救援工作中,总理发言人谢赫哈西娜说。
- Ennoble a prime minister for distinguished service. 因其杰出的功劳授予总理爵位
- During the recent election campaign, for instance, posters of the female candidate for Prime Minister, Tzipi Livni were defaced near ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem. 在最近的大选中,耶路撒冷极端正统社区附近,总理的女候选人利夫尼的海报被丑化。
- But, according to potential future candidate for prime minister of Iraq, Nadim al-Jabbri, whether Saddam Hussein ever apologizes makes very little difference. 伊拉克总理候选人埃尔贾布里说,萨达姆是不是抱歉已经无关紧要。
- Cecilia Ahern, daughter of Ireland's prime minister Bertie Ahern, expressed delight at news that her first novel has been nominated for the richest literary honour for a single work. 年仅24岁的塞西莉亚·亨是爱尔兰总理伯蒂·亨的千金。日前,塞西莉亚的首部小说《顺便说句,我爱你》荣获了都柏林文学奖的提名。都柏林文学奖的奖金高达10万欧元,是世界上为单本小说所设奖金最高的文学奖。
- He even got an Oscar nomination for it. 由于此片,他还得到奥斯卡提名。