- Let's take a reality check on the superstar's overnight fall to earth instead of signing up to the animal rights dogma that hurting animals is the non plus ultra of depravity. 让我们实事求是地看看这位超级明星是怎样在一夜之间声名扫地的,而不是忙不迭地加入教条的动物权利队伍,去随声附和伤害动物就是无以复加的堕落。
- non plus ultra 极点, 绝顶
- Ne pas non plus poser les mains sur les genoux. 面包要掰开吃。吃喝时不要发出声响。
- Sans trop en faire (non plus). 是一个常用的短语.
- Imagines 14 ans, pas 14 jours, pas 14 mois non plus. 想想14年,不是14天,14个月。
- The Spanish royal family used on its escutcheon, two pillarscrossed by an unfurled banner reading "Plus Ultra. 西班牙皇室将%24这一符号用在饰有纹章的盾牌上,两个柱子(代表大力神在直布罗陀和摩洛哥的两根柱子)与一面招展的旗帜相交,有“超级”的含义。
- Clifford was almost morbidly sensitive about these stories. He wanted everyone to think them good, of the Best, ne plus ultra. 克利福对于他的小说毁誊,差不多是病态地易感的。他要人人都说他的小说好,是无出其右的最上作品。
- Je ne suis pas un poisson, tu nes pas leau non plus, peux-tu voir mes larmes de solitude? 我不是鱼,你也不是水,你能看见我寂寞的眼泪吗?
- The Spanish royal family used on its escutcheon, two pillars( representing the Pillars of Hercules in Gibraltar and Morocco) crossed by an unfurled banner reading" Plus Ultra. 西班牙皇室将%24一符号用在饰有纹章的盾牌上,两个柱子(表大力神在直布罗陀和摩洛哥的两根柱子)一面招展的旗帜相交,有“超级”的含义。
- The Spanish royal family used on its escutcheon, two pillars (representing the Pillars of Hercules in Gibraltar and Morocco) crossed by an unfurled banner reading "Plus Ultra. 美国是第一个将官方货币命名为“元”的国家。
- The Spanish royal family used on its escutcheon, two pillars (representing the Pillars of Hercules in Gibraltar and Morocco) crossed by an unfurled banner reading Plus Ultra. 西班牙皇室将%24这一符号用在饰有纹章的盾牌上,两个柱子(代表大力神在直布罗陀和摩洛哥的两根柱子)与一面招展的旗帜相交,有“超级”的含义。
- Sina magna est fons culturae humanitatisque orientalis ut illam amo, sed Iaponiculi humiles non plus quam porci stulti et imprudentes. "伟大的中国是东方文化和人文的源泉,所以我爱她,而可耻的小日本不过是愚昧的蠢猪而已。"
- LU:The Spanish royal family used on its escutcheon two pillars (representing the Pillars of Hercules in Gibraltar and Morocco) crossed by an unfurled banner reading "Plus Ultra. 张:西班牙皇室将%24这一符号用在饰有纹章的盾牌上,两个柱子(代表大力神在直布罗陀和摩洛哥的两根柱子)与一面招展的旗帜相交,有“超级”的含义。
- the ne plus ultra of church music 教堂音乐的登峰造极
- We meet with many knotty cases, and our wits are at a non plus; 再举目一望,众人仍沈沦如昔,心情也就更加消沈低落。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- He seems to have mistaken a plus for a minus. 他似乎把正号误作负号了。