- non selective filter 中性滤光器
- At present, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), non selective catalytic reduction (NSCR) and catalytic decomposition are main methods for the NO x removal. 选择性催化还原、非选择性催化还原及催化分解是目前研究较多的脱除氮氧化物的方法。
- This paper presents a theoretical study of the tunability of frequency selective filter extended cavity semiconductor lasers. 本文分析选频滤波器负载外腔半导体激光器的调谐特性。
- Click Add, and then click Add Join to Extend the Selected Filter. 单击“添加”,再单击“添加联接以扩展所选筛选器”。
- Click the Down arrow to move the selected filter down in the list. 单击下箭头可在列表中向下移动所选的筛选器。
- Click the Up arrow to move the selected filter up in the list. 单击上箭头可在列表中向上移动所选的筛选器。
- Select the Zoom tool (Z), then right-click the image and select Actual Pixels.Next, select Filter >Sharpen >Unsharp Mask. 绘图软体是一定会有这功能,但看图软体就未必会有,这没关系。
- Balocchi C E,Bridgwater F E.Selection efficiency in a non selected population of loblolly pine[J].For.Sci. 周永学;苏晓华;樊军锋;等.;引种欧洲黑杨无性系苗期生长测定与选择[J]
- Frequency Selective Filter(FS F )is utilized to design feedback controller in frequency do-main.For each dist urbance frequency,there are only two real coefficients to be tuned. 使用频率选择滤波方法在频域设计反馈控制器,对每个干扰频率,仅需调节两个实系数。
- Filter Rules: Allows the selective filtering or blocking of packets as they pass through any of the interfaces. 过滤规则:当数据包穿过网络接口的时候,允许有选择的过滤或阻塞数据包。
- Right-click any formatted cell in the column, point to Filter, and then select Filter By Selected Cell's Color. 右键单击列中任一格式化的单元格,指向“筛选”,然后选择“按所选单元格的颜色筛选”。
- With the "halftone layer" selected, select Filter > Sketch > Halftone Pattern from the menu bar. 选中“中间调图层”,从菜单栏选择滤镜>素描>半色调图案。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- These outputs can interface directly to channel select filters (LPFS) or to a baseband amplifier. 这些输出可直接与通道选择滤波器(LPF)或一个基带放大器相连。
- When you change the current device filter, the designer enables you to edit the templates associated with the newly selected filter. 在当前设备筛选器改变时,设计器使您可以编辑与新选中的筛选器相关联的模板。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。
- Through selecting filter aids,ascertain optimum formula of filter aids and technological process.A cheap effcient and easy to operate regeneration method is obtained. 通过筛选助滤剂,确定最佳助滤剂配方和最佳工艺条件,获得成本低、效果好的再生方法,且操作简便。