- Only the additive genetic variance is transmissible by seed. 仅仅加性遗传方差是由种子遗传的。
- The additive genetic variance of the same character, estimated from the covariance of half sibs, was 0. 9602. 从半同胞协方差估计出来的;同一性状的加性遗传方差为0.;9602。
- The therotical equation for additive genetic variance of mark gene was established for individual level and seperate population level in linkage equilibrium. 分别在个体水平上以及在复合连续平衡的分离群体水平上建立了标记基因加性遗传方差值的理论方程。
- additive genetic variance coefficient 附加遗传方差系数
- Only the additive genetic variance is transmissible by seed 仅仅加性遗传方差是由种子遗传的。
- A sire and dam model and a sire and maternal grandsire model are fitted for weight at birth and weight at weaning of sheep to estimate the direct genetic and maternal additive genetic variances. 本文利用公畜母畜模型和公畜外祖父模型估计了初生重、断奶重的直接加性遗传方差、母本遗传方差和遗传参数;得出初生重的直接加性遗传效应、母本遗传效应和总的加性遗传效应的遗传力分别为:0.;164、0
- 14. The additive genetic variance of the same character, estimated from the covariance of half sibs, was 0. 9602. 从半同胞协方差估计出来的,同一性状的加性遗传方差为0.9602。
- total additive genetic variance 总加性遗传方差
- additive genetic variance 加性遣传方差
- The ratio of sum of additive effect variance to total genetic variance were 18.8%,and that of sum of dominance effect variance to total genetic variance were 81.2%. 在胚和母体两套遗传体系中;加性效应方差占总遗传方差的18.;8%25;胚显性方差与母体显性方差之和占总遗传方差的81
- The results showed that: (1) The additive gene effect was principal in brix, plant height and stalk diameter while the non additive gene effect was greater in clump available stalk numbers, plant biomass, clump weight and brix weight. 结果表明 :(1)锤度、株高和茎径的遗传主要由加性基因效应引起 ,而丛有效茎数、丛重、锤重和地上部鲜重的遗传主要由非加性基因效应引起 ;
- A side effect of increasing genetic variance following disruptive selection often causes greater genetic flexibility of the population. 经分裂选择后遗传变量增加的附带作用,往往使种群的遗传可塑性有所增加。
- This was mainly because of the ability of detecting genetic variance of the two techniques. 多样性上略有差异,这主要是因为两种技术的对遗传变异的检测能力不同,
- A side effect of increasing genetic variance following disruptive selection is often greater genetic flexibility of the population. 经分裂选择后遗传变量增加的附带作用,往往使种群的遗传可塑性有所增加。
- Statist ic methods are introduced for analyzing heterosis, estimating genetic variance c omponents, and predicting genetic effects. 还介绍了分析杂种优势、估算遗传方差分 量以及预测遗传效应值的相应统计分析方法。
- Random amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to analyze the genetic diversity among eri sickworm. The genetic variance of five erisickworm was studied. 用RAPD技术对蓖麻蚕基因组DNA进行多态性研究,分析了5个蓖麻蚕品种间的遗传差异。
- Prediction of genetic effects by AUP method and estimates of phenotypic and genetic variance components by MINQUE(1) method are suggested for different generations. 不同世代的表型方差及各遗传方差的MINQUE(1)法估计值。
- A study was conducted on 22 crosses from 10 varieties including mira variety to evaluate 7 main characters of plant in the first clonal year potato crops. The results indicated additive genetic effects of parents for late blight were 90.6? %. 通过对mira等10个马铃薯品种的22个杂交组合无性一代的植株生长势等7个植株性状的群体遗传参数和配合力效应的研究,结果表明:晚疫病抗性的亲本加性遗传效应达90 6%25;
- Methods We applied generalized linear mixed models for the nuclear family data to set up the genetic variance component model and estimated parameters using MCMC. 方法将广义线性混合模型应用于核心家系资料建立遗传方差分量模型,运用MCMC方法进行参数估计。
- The least squares means of the major economic traits for Duroc were statistically significant(P<0.05) in sex. From the model, additive genetic heritabilities estimated including the maternal effect were all lower than it excluding the maternal effect. 结果表明 ;杜洛克猪主要经济性状的最小二乘均值在公母猪之间有明显的差异 (P <0 .;0 5 );模型中同时考虑母体效应时得到的遗传力均低于没有考虑母体效应时的遗传力。